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Default 14 minute somewhat hostile interview with Trump

On 01/17/2016 07:02 PM, Uncle Monster wrote:
On Sunday, January 17, 2016 at 7:57:54 AM UTC-6, T wrote:
On 01/16/2016 07:03 AM, (PeteCresswell) wrote:
Per T:
On 01/14/2016 09:22 AM, (PeteCresswell) wrote:
I suggest to the more extreme of those people that they take a few
months off, rent an apartment in Mogadishu and, if they survive, report
back on how things are with little or no government.


This is a bad argument. Maybe not if you were conversing with
a libertarian.

Conservatives see the only three legitimate responsibilities
of the Central Government to be:

1) regulate the currency
2) protect from invasion
3) protect one citizen from another

The rest is for the states (10 amendment). A central

....(lotta good stuff clipped)....

I will give you a "do over" on your "Mogadishu" argument.

That was pretty good.

I don't agree with all of it - but you clearly nailed me on Mogadishu.

One thing I take issue with - and it's not just your post; it's more a
me-against-the-rest-of-the-world thing - is the use of the word

I don't like it's use as a blanket description of Republican Party
positions - especially those which advocate changing the status quo.

I don't know a better word.... "Right-Wing" is too pejorative.... but
"Conservative" to me is pretty much Merriam-Webster's third definition:

"a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or
institutions : traditional

b : marked by moderation or caution a conservative estimate

c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance,
style, or manners"

Based on that, I would say that people who want to change the status-quo
(no matter whether they perceive it as good or bad) are not

Also, I'm big on the "Moderation or caution" aspect.

A conservative person, faced with a situation that has a significant
possibility of becoming catastrophic, will take remedial action to
prevent that situation.

They will *not* argue for delaying action because there is still some
doubt as to whether it actually will turn catastrophic... they will play
the odds and incur the expense to make sure it cannot happen.

"Conservative" people pay for homeowner's insurance - unless they are so
wealthy that losing a house is non-catastrophic for them.

Based on that, the Repub position on climate change is not conservative
at all.

Ditto the admonition to reduce the size of government - and, therefore
change the status quo. Certainly, the admonition to reduce government
"... to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in
the bathtub." is anything but conservative.

But increasing the size/role of government is not conservative either.

OTOH, those who take a position against gay marriage (which, BTW, I
support) actually are conservative in Merriam-Webster's sense of the

I am not saying that Conservative=Good or Non-Conservative=Bad.... there
are times for each.... And plenty shades of grey......

But I do quarrel with the blanket use of "Conservative" to describe
policies, actions, and political parties that are actually quite the

Hi Pete,

You bring up very interesting points. What we are looking at
is who controls the language controls the agenda. Political
correctness (mind control) for instance.

The dictionary definitions for political tags do not mean
anything any more.

Conservatives don't want to conserve or keep the status quo.
We use to be called "Liberals" or "Jeffersonian Liberals".

Socialists stole the name from us because they liked the
way it sounded better. And, since they control the media,
they got away with it.

If you read anything I write, you know I have the fire of the
American Revolution coursing though my veins and I want to kick
the Status Quo ass all down the street. I am quite the "radical"
and the "Revolutionary". I want to kick the elites out and
reestablish foundational America. "Establishment Republicans"
or RINO collaborators are the bane of my existence.

So what am I really? Tea Party does describe me. Conservative
is a bad description but it sticks, so ...

And now "revolutionary" have been co-oped to mean "communist",
not Jeffersonian Liberalism. Another word game.

Add to that "progressive". "Progress" only if you mean
reestablishing the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany as
"progress". Geepers creepers! Folks that don't believe
in free speech, massive bloated government, or individuals
controlling their own lives is "progress"? Everyone who
disagrees with them is a "racist" whether there is any
evidence or not?

Which brings to mind, will actual victims of racism
be ignored because of the distortion the "progressives"
have made of the word "racism" to mean "I disagree
with you"?

"Liberal" now has nothing to do with Foundational America,
personal freedom or any form of limited government. It
is used in place of "socialist" because Liberals think
it sounds better. Again they get away with it as they
control the media.

"Illegal Aliens" are "undocumented workers" even though
what they are doing is a felony (real law, not "I don't
like what your are doing"). Again trying to control
the language for political gain.

And on and on and so forth.

I do have to admire Bernie as he is "honest" about
what he is. There is no difference between Bernie
and Hillary: they are both Socialists. Well,
Hillary is a criminal (actual laws, not "I just
don't like her", speaking of abusing the language).

Here is Hillary squirming about the difference between
a socialist and a Democrat (there ain't no difference):

Hmm: she is a "progressive" what? The difference
is what?

If you control the language, you control the mindset
of the public.

Trump has really thrown a wrench into the works
setting political correctness on its head. Have
you notices all the rest of the clowns/cowards on the bus
will now talk about "forbidden" subjects after Trump
takes all the arrows?

I don't know, maybe I am just a "rabble-rouser".

America lost more people as a percent of our population
in the Revolutionary War than any war in our history.
It is still coursing through our veins despite
what the establishment elites think. They are in
for a big surprise this next election. Freedom
isn't free.


Illegal entry is a Federal Crime but from what I understand, it's a misdemeanor. Forging documents, using false ID, etc are felonies. The feds frak with American Citizens because they can easily find us. ¯\_à²*_à²*_/¯

[8~{} Uncle Citizen Monster

But political correctness says we can't call it illegal
because the Dems want dependents and the RINOs want
the cheap labor. So they control the language.