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gregz gregz is offline
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Default When are Xmas trees bought.

Stormin Mormon wrote:
On 12/28/2015 3:13 AM, wrote:
A friend and I are debating when most people buy their xmas trees.

I saw that it's several days or more before Christmas eve, and the
proof of this is that is what I do. And that tree lots open up about
2 weeks in advance.

She says, No, the custom is Xmas eve and the great majority buy that
afternoon. And the proof is that is what she does.

What can you tell us about this?

Most people never, ever, buy a Christmas tree in
their entire lives.

I've never bought a Christmas tree, ever. My parents
have, but I never did.

The proof is that is what I does.


I never bought a Christmas tree. I got an artificial one right here. Got It
from somewhere. Once my dad planted a row of Xmas trees. As they aged, we
would select one and cut it. They lasted without drying up, unlike most
sold cut many weeks early.
