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Default Outdoor thermometer placement

On 12/28/2015 11:54 AM, Don Y wrote:

OTOH, if you know that a particular fruit is hardy to 32F (or 28F),
then you don't want to play guessing games wondering if 32 is
"elgar", "foogle" or "gismatch"!

You also want to know the *actual* relationship between these so
you can perform reliable mathematical operations on them: "How much
energy do I have to expend to create a local "foogle" microclimate
when the outdoor temperature is "elgar"? Or, "dingbrill"? At which
point will I no longer be able to influence the microclimate based on
these calculations??

[Someone with the sort of interest I'm concerned about will be
willing to sort out *proper* placement of a sensor instead of
just relying on what's convenient]

Well, if you're really thinking you're going to get into it in that
depth, then there's a _ton_ of research already done and a large
fraction of it illustrates that simply knowing air temperature (no
matter how accurately) ain't _nearly_ enough to reliably predict damage.
