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Fred McKenzie Fred McKenzie is offline
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Posts: 388
Default Review on TV antenna

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One thing I miss about the analog tv, is that every once and awhile, we
would get some "skip", and I could get channels from very far away. One
time I got a station from about 370 miles away. I had a variable gain
amplifier that I'd connect to fine tune those distant stations. But with
digital TV, none of that is not possible.

Your "skip" was most likely due to a temperature inversion between
different layers of the atmosphere, not the skip you get on HF
frequencies like on CB.

Propagation via a temperature inversion works for UHF as well as VHF, so
it is still possible. The problem is that your HDTV is programmed to
only see channels it found in the scanning process. You would need to
re-scan during the temperature inversion in order to find more distant
