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Ashton Crusher[_2_] Ashton Crusher[_2_] is offline
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Default The cellphone paradox - where are all the accidents?

On Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:19:24 -0700, Don Y

On 8/27/2015 12:48 PM, Tekkie® wrote:
Don Y posted for all of us...

Until you can put in place a BINDING PLEDGE that can be applied to
politicians, what they say has absolutely nothing to do with
what you *get*!

"I, _________, pledge that I will do the following. In the event
that I fail to get this done (regardless of whether its MY fault
or someone else's fault), my term of office will immediately
expire -- with no further action on my part!"

Is Trump arrogant enough to make such a binding statement? About
*anything* he's claimed he'd "do"? Or, will he get mealy mouthed
when/if he gets elected and blame it on "That Damn Congress",
"Those Bozos in the Black Robes", "unforeseen events elsewhere
in the world", etc.?

None of the candidates could do this. How could one tell what another one is
going to do? To many factions working against each other.

Exactly. Yet they all (esp Trump, Perot types) beat their chests
AS IF they are really going to "get 'er done". And, folks *buy*
this BS.

*I* stand as much a chance of getting it done as *they* do! And,
I've got far less "Washington insider" (even those who claim NOT
to be "insiders" have already been tainted by serving elsewhere
*or* paying the way of those who did!). Yet, I'm not foolish
(nor arrogant!) enough to make the claim (or innuendo) that I
could get any of these things "done".

We have a local politician that made the (then new) "garbage fee" the
centerpiece of her campaign. "Vote for me and I'll repeal the
garbage fee!"

Lo and behold, she's elected. And, not surprisingly, comes to the
"realization" that the fee is required to get the books to balance
(otherwise, we'll have to raise some OTHER tax). But, her flip-flop
isn't *her* fault -- despite the fact that it is exactly the opposite
outcome than the one she campaigned on!

[No consequences]

She obviously didn't know what she was getting into.

Exactly. She found something that got an emotional response from
the voters. Rode that into office. Then, realized that The Reality
was a lot harder to deal with than the Campaign Rhetoric.
"But, I was elected so I'll server my term..." (boo hoo)

How about *real* term limits? In order to serve in the federal
government, you need a WORK VISA for Washington, DC. (even
"staffers", K street lobbyists, etc.)

WORK VISAS are issued for a maximum, nonrenewable period of 8 years.
I.e., after sucking on the public teat for 8 years (directly or
indirectly), you need to go find REAL employment.

Or, better yet, immediately are enlisted in the military as
an infantryman -- regardless of age or gender. :

There are term limits. Every election. Most sheeple don't care after they
elect someone. They don't pay attention any more. Only if the critters get
caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Ask most voters about incumbents
and the answer will most likely be: They are doing a good job.

People think *their* official is doing a good job. It's the other 532
bozos on the bus that they blame for all the problems! Yet, few folks
can even *point* to anything that their officials have "done". Or,
even tell you how many votes they *missed*!

If you are referring to federal workers then this is way out of bounds.
People (I will use Oren here as an example w/o permission) just do their
jobs within the limitations of the system. It is like working privately; you
will have workers and bosses across the spectrum of capability. Deal with
it. They just want a job to survive and have a respectable life with their

If you are referring to staffers then they go in & out with electees.

If you are referring to drones and lobbyists then who is in control? My

You need a broad brush that regularly sweeps things out. *Risk* losing
some of the good with ALL of the bad!

frame of reference is the VA for this. Yet another story this morning about
vets being ignored, I forget where. I had high hopes for this person whom
was supposed to fix it. He is another appointee of this do nothing
administration to plug the publicly hole and hasn't done crap for vets. What
exactly happened to improve conditions for our vets? Name them. When I see
the non-profits dissolve because they are no longer needed then maybe we
will see progress. Christ, there are so many of these that it is hard for me
to chose where to leave my legacy. The vets gave it all so I can rant about

Yet we hear the likes of McCain claiming "nothing is too good for our vets".
But, besides the rhetoric, what's being *done*? Gee, a guy with his
stature and he can't promote change??? What's he wasting his time
working on? More "party planks"??

I want politicians to be responsible to the local voters that elected them.
Not some devious party agenda. I check their voting record and write to them
to express my opinions asking where they are going with current issues.

I've not voted *for* anyone since I reached majority. Instead, I vote
*against* people. Unfortunately, I can only vote against "all but one".
Hence the idea of "None of the above" being used as "NONE of these people
can be allowed to hold this office" instead of "I don't like any of them".

So when you hold your nose will you be voting for Hillary or Jeb?