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Meanie[_4_] Meanie[_4_] is offline
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Default OT?: Connecting a OTA antenna with internet

On 6/22/2015 9:10 AM, trader_4 wrote:
On Sunday, June 21, 2015 at 8:59:38 PM UTC-4, SBH wrote:
I took the plunge and cut the cable cord which will be official on
Tuesday when they remove equipment and do the initial downgrade to
internet only. My intent is to add an OTA antenna but I want to avoid
running new cable and tap into the current cables used by the provider.

I understand I can use a diplexer to unsure proper reception, though
gathering info, one set up indicates using two diplexers whereas the OTA
signal and cable signal are entering with the single cable exiting to
the other diplexer's single input then out the dual exits. Since the
original cable uses one entrance to my home, I assumed I can simply use
one diplexer (OTA and Cable in) where the single exit would then
continue on the one run into my home's original set up for all TVs.

Anyone with experience can confirm this set up and/or help me determine
the proper set up needed to accomplish my goal?

Thank you

I think there is a big problem with what you're doing, one that
probably makes it illegal. As I understand it, you're proposing
to join an antenna with an active cable television line. That
potentially makes your antenna a transmitter, sending the cable
signal into the air. The cable company spends a lot of time and
money shielding everything to make sure their signals don't radiate.
There probably is a legal and sound way of doing it, but I doubt
the typical, cheap components will do it.

Also, have you tried to see if the local channels are still
there even after you terminate service? It's not unusual for
the local channels to still be there anyway. In which case,
you wouldn't need the outside antenna. And if you do what you're
proposing, I would think it could potentially interfere with
whatever signals the cable company does still have there.

I can assure you it's not illegal. The provider will apply a filter to
stop channel frequency. The task of a provider is to feed the home then
the task of the customer is to use that feed for the amount of devices
they have. I have every right to provide my own antenna and use the
current cables. There are no signals radiating through the air or
otherwise. Cable doesn't work that way.