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David.WE.Roberts David.WE.Roberts is offline
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Posts: 569
Default Croydex shower rail and instructions and funny PB plug

Just a minor note about apparently good instructions which may not be
quite as good as they first look, plus a note on buying more than you
need :-)

We bought a Croydex shower rail and the instructions looked good -
including the use of a 5.5mm drill for the supplied wall plugs.

Oh, and a note that if you were drilling into tiles you should use a tile

Went out to buy the tile drill because although you can get away with a
masonry drill it has to be sharp.

In the end I bought a set of 3 drills, 5,6,and 8mm because the price of
the 3 was the same as buying a 5mm and 6mm separate.

I assumed that the 6mm would be just right to leave clearance for the
5.5mm masonry drill.

All worked to plan - start with the 5mm, open up with the 6mm, drill wall
with 5.5mm masonry drill.

Insert plug.....oh bugger!
Turns out the head of the plug was 8mm across - no doubt designed to fill
out the crater in the plaster caused by starting the hole with the 5.5mm
It also jammed so I had to chop the top off then push the rest in.
Screw held O.K. though.

The second screw hole was fine because (see 3 for 2 above) I did have an
8mm tile drill to make the hole larger.

Oh, and the pack contained two plasterboard plugs of a type I've never
seen before.
The destructions had a picture of the standard plasterboard plug (push it
through the hole, then screw pulls the end in and the sides bow out).

These come already flattened out with no apparent way to get them into
pointy state to go through the hole.

Oh Gawd!

Senility confirmed once again.
I was trying to fold the middle upwards and the middle folds downwards
into the top of the plug.

Ah, well another stirring tale of DIY.


Dave R