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Default (OT) The end is almost here

According to many, the world will end this Friday, Dec 21.
So, last Friday we had this mass killing of children in Newtown CT.
where 20 first grade children were killed along with 6 teachers, and the
killer's own mother.

Knowing we live in a world with such deranged people makes it much more
apparent that the world will actually end. Not because of natural
disasters, but more likely by mankind itself. Knowing that a person is
capable of killing young kids, and his own mother, tells what kind of
severely deranged people exist around us. Any person who is capable of
such a horriffic murder, is also capable of pushing the button that will
destroy all life on earth.

Far too many times I've heard that even though we have all these nuclear
missles capable of destroying the earth, that there is no one crazy
enough to push the button, because that person would also perish. I
disagree. The same type of person who could kill all these kids, would
push that button without any thoughts or cares. Maybe the time has

In fact, after seeing what occurred in that CT school, I almost hope the
world does end this coming Friday. Our society has fallen so far, that
there is little hope of ever returning to the good ways. The entire
world is nothing but corruption and dispair. Maybe the end of humanity
is overdue. The world itself will likely continue, it's humanity that
has gone to far, and can no longer be healed. Look around you. Most
younger people no longer have any connection to the earth. The exist
inside a bubble, and act like robots pushing buttons all day long,
saying nothing for the bettement of society. They just push that "like
button" over and over, when in fact they like nothing, because they have
nothing left in life. Add to this the drugs and alcohol they consume to
escape all the pain they feel, and it's no wonder that some of them snap
and kill wihout any feelings or emotions.

Our society has entered it's final days. We just continue to devour the
earth for riches without love, compassion, or morals. It's all about
competition and winning, winning the most wealth and power. No one
stops and realizes that we will all end up owning nothing, and without
any power when we depart this earth. On that final day, it wont matter
who is the president, or how big our home is, or what position we hold
in our careers. Nothing will matter.

I had doubts about the end occuring this coming Friday, but now I'm not
sure. After watching the events in these last few days, maybe this
really is the end. Maybe it would be best for all of us, since a sudden
end might be far less painful than watching our lives decay as the world
around us turns uglier and uglier. It's apparent that our US gvernment
is on the brink of collapse, and it seems our morals are on the same
collision course.

We have 5 days left, rather than fight it, knowing that there is nothing
any one of us can do, I welcome the end with open arms. Bring it
on....... it's time!!!!