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Andy Champ[_2_] Andy Champ[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 2,397
Default OT New tax coming.

On 09/11/2012 20:13, ARW wrote:
Bill Wright wrote:
Nightjar wrote:

They should put all the tax on fuel. That would be much fairer.

I think you misunderstand the purposes of taxes and duties. They
exist to raise revenue, not to be fair.

Colin Bignell

The purpose is to raise revenue. That doesn't exclude the possibility
of the tax being fair.

I don't see why a pensioner who does 3,000
miles a year should pay the same road tax as a sales rep who does

Well they do not have to if they drive a lower emmison car than the rep.

They'll have a job finding a car that pays a road tax that is lower per
mile than the rep - unless it's a city biscuit box.

Tax on fuel would have the great advantage that they could dismantle all
the red tape involved in handling tax discs.
