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Graham.[_2_] Graham.[_2_] is offline
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Default speakers in multiple rooms?

On Mon, 11 Jun 2012 01:44:53 +0100, The Natural Philosopher

Graham. wrote:
On Sun, 10 Jun 2012 22:37:47 +0100, Stephen H

Hi all.

Wifey wants speakers in several rooms fed off the same hi fi system with
independent room volume control

Problem is current Hi Fi can only support 6 ohm load speakers. The
current speakers in lounge is also 6 ohms.

There is no second set of speaker outputs. at the Hi Fi.

If I parallel up some passive speakers in the dining room and in the
kitchen, this will present a load of 2 ohms to the Hi Fi, overloading
its final output power transistors resulting in a costly repair to Hi Fi.

I've thought about series connection but as the speaker pairs will not
be identical from room to room, and it makes independent room volume
control impossible.....

There is no line output or headphone output for me to use with active

How do people overcome this?

The best solution I have identified so far is a gadget that can provide
a line level output from the speaker outputs on the Hi Fi and feed that
into some suitable active speakers for both the dining room and the kitchen.



Why would the line level speakers have to be active? Why not
conventional passive speakers with line transformers and volume pots?

Depends if you care about the Fi part of Hi Fi or not,....

Well I agree 100v line does have it's "Tannoy" associations, but is
that quite fair? Valve amps always had an output transformer and those
could be hi-fi.

One thing that makes me smile is when an attempt is made to pipe
stereo to a pair of ceiling speakers, personally I wouldn't bother

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