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Rod Speed Rod Speed is offline
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Default Pyrex bowls wedged together

The Natural Philosopher wrote
Adrian C wrote
robgraham wrote

I know it's not strictly DIY, but I'm tasked with getting them apart !

Two bowls on the same diameter and are well wedged together slightly at an angle. I wonder if they been taken out
of the dishwasher hot by one of the members of the family and have effectively 'shrunk' together, but they certainly
won't come apart.

Any ideas - I've tried hot water and then the deep freeze without success - maybe significant oven heat ?

Fill water in the gap, then place in the deep freeze?

AAA+. TNP's award for the most creative and practical idea to date.

Nope, the most practical is to try another cycle thru the dishwasher first.

It remains to be seen if the gap can actually be filled with water.

As an aside my wife bottles loads of fruit - and can never open the lids!

I have discovered that a blunt knife inserted op top of the rubber seal, from the side, can be used to compress it
enough to break the seal..

I have a different problem. I reuse commercial marmalade jars for my
own marmalade, basically because they stopped making the lemon and
lime marmalade that I prefer. I put the marmalade in the jars when its
very hot indeed, after its been boiling to make it set. The lids are metal,
but have a plastic liner where the inside the lid meets the rim of the
glass jar. Can be a real bugger to get those off.

The only thing that works very well is those strap wrench things that are
designed for getting lids off but even those can be a real gut busting exercise.

The other lid 'wrenches' that are metal that go across the lid diameter rather
than around the circumference do work but ruin the lid, it cant be reused.

Guess I could change over to the sort of jars you use, but I get the box
of limes from the packing shed thats the only one in the area that does
limes, for peanuts and need 100 600g jars. I do have 150 of those and
your type of jar is much too big for marmalade with the jars that you
can get at times in garage/yard sales, so I would have to buy some
of the smaller ones you dont see in garage/yard sales at all, so that
approach isnt very practical in my case.