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Han Han is offline
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Default Angle of Sharpening Plane on hand plane

F Murtz wrote in

Mike Marlow wrote:
Mike Marlow wrote:
jloomis wrote:
I recently took in my small tool belt hand plane to be sharpened
along with chisels and power planes and saw blades.
I was wondering what the angle of the Stanley hand held, small hand
plane angle of the cutting blade should be?
It seems the fellow sharpened it much to my dismay very steep and
quick. Not the long angle I remember it as.

Resharpening generally only requires touching up the secondary bevel
- the real cutting edge. The primary bevel is often not in need of
additional work. Google sharpening and you will understand.

BTW John... you should post this kind of question in the main group
and not in the binary group. The binary group is just that, and is
not viewed by as many members that could offer good advise, as
rec.woodworking is.

When I look at this group I rarely see binaries as every post seem to
start with re and when I go back to find the original with the binary
it has expired.

Perhaps you are using the wrong newsserver. I can still see the pics
from the thread round frames on router table from Feb 20 on astraweb, and
they say

Best regards
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