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Man at B&Q Man at B&Q is offline
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Default OT 45% of EU students fail to repay loans

On Jan 24, 10:33*pm, "Jake" wrote:
"Fredxx" wrote in message


On 24/01/2012 07:59, Cassandra wrote:
On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 22:59:47 +0000 (GMT), "Dave Liquorice"

On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 09:30:25 -0800 (PST), harry wrote:

45% of EU students studying in this country disappear without repaying=

UK loans.

And how many UK students don't repay it all either? Bearing in mind
that you don't start paying it back until you start earning over a
threshold (=A315k or =A321k) and you only have the liabilty to pay for

number of years after you leave higher education as well.

Interest rates are linked to inflation.
Minimum repayments are based on wages
You are charged interest for and period you don't pay.
The 21k limit is less that average wages and will be exceeded quite
quicky due to wage inflation.

You mention wage. *Is it the graduates wage that's taken into account, ie
under PAYE, or their income, ie to included dividend etc?

Not only that, but if you get a windfall, you need to pay back out of that,


as an extreme example, if you win the lottery, you need to stump up (as you
should if you won the lottery).


If you earn income from investing such winnings then that *will* form
part of your assessment for repayments.