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Lobster Lobster is offline
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Default OT 45% of EU students fail to repay loans

On 24/01/2012 09:10, Dave Liquorice wrote:
On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 07:59:25 GMT, Cassandra wrote:

45% of EU students studying in this country disappear without
repaying UK loans.

And how many UK students don't repay it all either?

Interest rates are linked to inflation.
Minimum repayments are based on wages
You are charged interest for and period you don't pay.
The 21k limit is less that average wages and will be exceeded quite
quicky due to wage inflation.

It is impossible to pay off the loan unless you earn a huge amount.

Exactly, media jumping up and down again about some "fact" but not
providing the full story or conviently omiting some other relevant

I reckon that there will be a significant number of "students" who
never break the earnings threshold for the entire period of liabilty.

Mm. I know of someone who makes a good living as a freelancer.
Apparently the powers that be determine his eligibility for repaying his
student loan by looking at his income for one specific month of the
year. Therefore by the simple expedient of doing minimal work in that
month, he stays below the threshold and reckons that unless the
goalposts change, he'll never need to pay back.
