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mogga mogga is offline
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Posts: 824
Default Landlord Certificates ?

On Sat, 21 Jan 2012 11:17:37 -0800 (PST), NT

The other occasion when I'd go with using an agent would be when you
live a long way from the let property.

And truth be told, for a first-time landlord it's probably worth using a
*good* agent (and ARLA affiliated) as there's a fair amount to take on
board at the outset.


I'd say if you're new, don't use an agent. Agents don't generally look
after your basic interests, and do routinely rip landlords off. DIYing
it will be a steep learning curve, but at least you'll learn.

And tenants! Charging for renewing a tenancy when it need not be
renewed - frequent question over on MSE forums about tenants being
harrassed into paying sometimes as much as £100.