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Default help getting my shop organized!

Oh how I too have fought this problem. There are some things that have
helped. I've always had plenty of pegboard up, but it wasn't till I setup
some "Zones" that made sense did it start working. i.e. I have a
"measuring zone" that has all my rules, squares & levels. My "clamp
zone" has all my clamps regardless of type, "drill zone"... you get the

dhmeiser wrote:

HI All,

It seems that my ISP does not allow posting to groups only downloading
so I am using google post! (sorry if this becomes a duplicate posting)

After becoming totally frustruated at my workshop I have decided to
down and get the place organized. OK how about sharing your tips and
methods for keeping such things as your hand power tools, their
organized. How do you keep such items as nails, screws and other
sorted and redably available. Also how do you keep small items shuch
screw bits and such orderly.

I would like to have input on what has worked and what has failed.

Right now I have two locations for my tools one is in the upper
section of
my barn where my big power tools are located, tablesaw, Joiner, RAS
located. the other tools tend to "float" between my bacement the barn.
barn is unheated so this time of year I don't use it as much as the
bacement. One of the ways I have tried (unscucessfully) was to put the
in toolboxes labled with the function of tools (general, electrical,
plumbing ...) So what has worked for you and what hasn't?

Dave M