Thread: Whirlwind....
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Leon[_7_] Leon[_7_] is offline
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Default Whirlwind....

On 9/19/2011 6:54 AM, Keith wrote:
If I owned Saw Stop I'd be worried! Some of you likely already saw
this...for those that didn't this is a device that is re-settable and
can be installed on a table saw, a band saw etc. I understand that with
the Saw Stop, onc it's activated, you have to replace the cartridge and
it's not cheap.

With this invention you can re-set it as many times as necessary! The
video is worth watching. No price yet....

Keith P

Why would you be worried about owning a Saw Stop? Yes you have to
replace the cartridge and blade, $200 but how often do you actually
touch the blade now? And if you do have to replace the blade and
cartridge it is better than the alternative event that it prevented.

The Whirlwind has the major drawback that you have to use the guard and
you no longer have a splitter or riving knife. With out the splitter or
riving knife you will have more burned cuts.

The big plus with the SawStop is that you get a top of the line saw in
addition to a safety mechanism.

Whirlwind will be a good alternative but IMHO it may have inherent draw