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aemeijers aemeijers is offline
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Default A question for plumbers

On 7/29/2011 7:48 AM, HeyBub wrote:
The Daring Dufas wrote:

When we use a smoke bomb to check air conditioner duct work for air
leaks, we notify the fire department as a mater of common sense.

Couldn't you determine whether the sanitary sewer system was connected to
the A/C ductwork by some other method?

Where I used to work, our facilities manager chunked a smoke bomb into the
A/C return air handler. Immediately HUGE volumes of smoke shot up through
the bottom of the three mainframes in the computer room. Smoke detectors
went nuts. Operators pulled the emergency power-down handles. About a
zillion fire trucks surrounded the building and demanded the release of the
hostages. Confusing and contradictory instructions were bellowed out over
the PA system. People screamed "Run for your life" and "We're all gonna
die!". Some sat at their desk and wept.

All in all, a fun afternoon.

Chortle. Some kind soul volunteered me as a Fire Warden (aka hall
monitor) at the federal facility where I work, as a 'temporary'
replacement for a fellow that fell off a ladder, working on his dad's
house. (See the AHR connection?) Well, that poor guy ain't ever gonna
walk right again, so it looks like I am stuck with it. Your lovely
description pretty much fits all the mass evac exercises they do there-
I have to be the last SOB off the floor to make sure everyone left, mark
the doors accordingly, and then make my boss call in to their 'command
center' so they can do a nose count. Said command center is in the
basement, BTW. If the building takes heavy damage, it will be very dark
down there, with no way out.
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