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JIMMIE JIMMIE is offline
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Default A question for plumbers

On Jul 28, 10:43*am, "Bob-tx" No Spam no contact wrote:
In one of our bathrooms, we have a sewer gas odor. *It is coming from around
the commode, not from the shower, sinks or tub. *I am guessing it is
probably a bad wax ring, but I am not able to tackle the job myself.

I called a plumber, and he told me they had to run a 'smoke test' to
determine the problem. *He said I had to notify the fire department they
were going to run the smoke test, that is the law (????). *I asked how much
that cost. *"$300"!!!!

Then I asked how much to change the wax ring without the smoke test. *He
said they won't do that unless they first run the smoke test.

I think it's a rip off. *Surely, it wouldn't take more than an hour to
replace the wax ring, and even at an inflated price, that should not be over

Question: *Is this a normal procedure, or a rip off?

Thanks for your advice.


Not a rip off. This is the best way to find the problem. If they just
replace the ring and that doesnt fix the problem they are going to be
the goat for not fixing it right the first time.. Assume you just have
the ring replaced and they will not guarantee the work because they
are not sure this is the cause. You agree or they dont do the work,
This will probably cost close to $200. If all goes well great if not
you are out of $200 and bathroom still stinks and its still going to
cost another $400 or more to get it done right. Most neighborhoods
usally has someone living there that can do odd jobs like the for $40
or $50. He may not fix it for you either but it wont cost $ 200 to
find out.
