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Stormin Mormon Stormin Mormon is offline
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Default Dripping water dispencer on refrig

The water line connects to it..... As the pellican with the
colored beak said while selling Fruit Loops, paraphrasing.
"Follow your hose, it always knows....." I hope you're over
forty, and have a sense of humor as salubrious as mine.

Christopher A. Young
Learn more about Jesus

"Jack B. Pollack" wrote in message

That makes perfect sense as I live in an apartment building
and the building
turned off the water yesterday,
When they turn it back on there is a lot of gunk in it.

I'm going to try to run a lot of water through it, maybe it
will wash out.

If I have to replace it where is it most likely located?

Thanks this was really helpful in at least understanding
what happened.