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George W Frost George W Frost is offline
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Posts: 191
Default Shellac - blocked

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I pulled out a package of shellac that I bought some time
ago (at least 2 years). Some of the shellac flakes have
formed a block. I tried crushing it with my hand and some
of it broke off.

I recently read that when shellac blocks like this, it's
no good. It won't dissolve in alcohol. However, I
did a quick Google search and some people claim
that the shellac is still usable.

Question, should I keep the shellac and hope it
will dissolve ? And how do I keep shellac from blocking?
I read that heat makes it block. Insulated container? And how long
will flakes keep in this state?



I have had shellac block like this and I have heated the spirit in an old
microwave outside, just a few seconds at a time till it was quite warm, then
added the shellac, left it over night and it was quite usable from then.
Of coarse, I don't have to say not to use a metal container to heat it,
otherwise you won't have any spirit left, let alone the microwave.