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Andrew Gabriel Andrew Gabriel is offline
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Default TURBiO fast fluorescent starter

In article ,
Tabby writes:
On Mar 12, 11:14*pm, "Richard Russell" wrote:
On Sat, 12 Mar 2011 22:14:35 -0000, Skipweasel *
Presumably you have to have tubes that are capable of coming up to the
right temperature in that time?

The list of suitable lamp types is given on the page to which I linked *
(e.g. 4-65W linear T5/T8/T12); there is no suggestion that they are *
anything other than standard tubes. *The only specific limitation *
mentioned is that it is "only suitable for inductive circuits without *
capacitors for serial compensation".

It's possible that the tube lifetime is slightly reduced compared with *
using a slower electronic starter (which they also make), but hopefully it *
will still be greater than with a conventional starter.

The manufacturer's site is he


You'll find that tubes very often wont strike after just 0.4 seconds
preheat, so you'll get flashing during start, like a non-electronic

These starters don't require any preheat time to strike the tube - they
simply restrike every half mains cycle with a high voltage pulse until
the arc stablises, but other than the noise you get from the ballast
during this phase, you won't notice - it just looks like the tube is on.
The preheat time is purely to extend tube life. The repeating strike time
is usually limited to about a seccond, so it won't continue trying to
start a dead tube.

If you want quick starting, you need an electronic ballast, which will
operate the tube in a more sophisticated manner than a lump of iron
ballast plus a plug-in starter.

Instant start electronic ballasts seem to have become impossible to
find over last 5 years. I don't know why. Even buying same model number
ones I used to, they are no longer instant start.

Andrew Gabriel
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