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Robert Green Robert Green is offline
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Default Carrier/Bryant heat exchanger class action

"larry moe 'n curly" wrote in message

Robert Green wrote:

Another site says: "All three complaints allege that in the mid-1980s
Carrier stopped using stainless steel secondary heat exchangers in favor

cheaper polypropylene-laminated mild steel. Carrier switched to the

product despite the fact that the industry standard was (and still is)

use stainless steel parts to prevent corrosion. Plaintiffs allege that

polypropylene separates from the steel and degrades due to the high
temperatures in the furnace, exposing the underlying mild steel to

condensate. In some cases the corrosion proceeds to the point of

perforating the outside wall of the heat exchanger."

The Carrier cock-up reminds me of an article about Dell computers trying

foist off their purchase of millions of bad capacitors on consumers,

them that "they were doing too many complex calculations" and that's

caused their machines to fail.

Dell employees went out of their way to conceal these problems. In one
e-mail exchange between Dell customer support employees concerning

at the Simpson Thacher & Bartlett law firm, a Dell worker states, "We

to avoid all language indicating the boards were bad or had 'issues' per

discussion this morning." In other documents about how to handle

around the faulty OptiPlex systems, Dell salespeople were told, "Don't

this to customer's attention proactively" and "Emphasize uncertainty."

But one big difference between the Dell and Carrier incidents is that
Carrier switched to cheaper materials while Dell used what were
supposed to be the highest quality parts, only the Japanese maker of
those parts, Nichicon, happened to really foul up their production for
a few years, around 2001-2004.

One big similarity is that the both lied their heads off trying to deny the
problems even existed. IIRC, the capacitor problems came about as a result
of someone stealing the formula for a new electrolyte that happened to be
mis-copied and turned out bad. While Dell was not at fault for the theft,
they appeared to know they had a problem a lot sooner than Carrrier did. In
both cases, Dell and Carrier used products that were unknowns, although I
agree that in Dell's case, they were not directly responsible for the change
in formulation. Still, they are "badder" guys here because they knew, and
like Bill Clinton, tried to lie their way out of it:

"Amazingly, even after Dell identified the defective capacitor problem in
its OptiPlex PCs, the company decided to keep making a shoddy computer.
According to the AIT brief, Dell knew about a fatal problem with its
OptiPlex motherboards as early as January 2003 and knew specifically about
the Nichicon capacitor failures by January 2004. Yet Dell sold flawed
OptiPlexes to AIT as late as 2005." Source:

I don't put a lot of faith or trust in a company that *knows* they've got
crappy components but continues to sell PCs with the bad motherboards (some
say over 12 MILLION). I think it took rather much longer for Carrier to
realize it had a problem. The evidence apparently showed up first in Canada
because they have a much longer winter heating season than the US. That was
quickly followed by reports of failure in Michigan and a number of other
northern US states. The bad capacitors became very quickly apparent to Dell
as machines started flooding back in for service. The interoffice memos
make it clear that they knew they had a problem from very early on but
continued to sell faulty machines to their customers hoping no one would pin
the blame on them. That sucks and Dell deserves to go out of business
because of their selling known faulty goods and trying every trick in the
book to keep their customers from finding out.

While reading through these websites I discovered that Samsung used the
faulty capacitors in their gear and there's a class action suit pending
against them. I will be opening up my two dead Samsung DVD recorders later
to see if there are any bulging or leaking caps and if their are, I may very
well opt into the suit. I just knew when the tech said "We have no reports
of problems with that model" that he was lying his fool head off.

Bobby G.