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Dave Plowman (News) Dave Plowman (News) is offline
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Default Scanning a circuit diagram.

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The Natural Philosopher wrote:
Dave Plowman (News) wrote:
I have an ancient Epsom GT-3500 scanner which still does pretty well
everything I want ok. I need a flat bed type for scanning things other
than sheets of paper.

However, I only use it with my RISC OS computer via the SCSI port - I
can't find any software/drivers that allows it to work with the PC via
its parallel port. I *think* it came with a PC SCSI card - but since I
didn't have a PC at the time long since gone, as is any PC software
for it.

The problem is scanning old car wiring diagrams out of the handbook,
etc. If I do this in pure B&W - regardless of resolution and other
settings, I get a poor quality image. Scanning in grey gives excellent
results - except you can now see the paper 'colour' which often varies
according to how it has been exposed to daylight etc in use.

I could transfer the untreated image from the scanner to the PC, and I
do have things like Photoshop, but haven't really played with it much.

Any simple way to get a clean B&W image?

Invest a tenner in an old USB scanner off ebay.

I'd then be in problems finding a USB driver for RISC OS. I still use that
for the majority of things. It's got software I've learned to use and
can't be arsed learning new for no real reason.

The Epson was the Rolls Royce scanner of its day and still does most of
the things I need well.

*You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.

Dave Plowman London SW
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