Thread: DIY humidifier
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Michael Murray (HotM) Michael Murray (HotM) is offline
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Default DIY humidifier

On 18 Aug, 13:40, "David WE Roberts"
I'm suffering from dry eyes at the moment and low humidity indoors doesn't
Yesterday was much better because we were drying clothes indoors on a rack
and the internal humidity went up to over 70%.
Down to 56% today and I can tell the difference.

I've Googled for humidifiers and they are a lot of money.
One alternative is one of those tacky indoor fountains, but they are tacky.

I don't think I want an open pot of water (spill hazard and not very
evapourative) or a tray of water with a fan blowing across (too noisy,
bulky, potentially risky).

So - has anyone solved this problem?
Cheap, effective etc.


Dave R

No plan survives contact with the enemy.
[Not even bunny]

Helmuth von Moltke the Elder


I have double radiators, and the gap between the panels is just the
right size for the lower half of a coke can to nestle in. In any room
in the house that I spend time in, there is a can on the radiator. Its
held pretty firmly, and presents no spill hazard, and is barely
noticible as near the ends of the rads the fins are more deeply

I first cut a circle round the can, then lots of 5mm cuts along the
axis of the can to allow me to fold the sharp edges down. that makes a
big difference to how likely they are to cause a cut..

I top them up with a watering can whenever they run low, or I notice.

I've done this for years, and find it makes a difference. Can't hurt
to try it?
