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Pete Zahut[_3_] Pete Zahut[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 59
Default Way OT Rant - noisy kids

ARWadsworth wrote:
Dave Starling wrote:
On Aug 15, 8:39 pm, Hugh Jampton wrote:
equipped their summerhouse with the latest BOOM BOOM sound system. I
went back out and got my shredder (*Very* loud Allen petrol
shredder), placed it by the hedge next to their summerhouse, started
it up and went back into the house. Not long before the father was
round here demanding that we turn it off. I left it on for a bit
longer and then turned it off. We've not heard any loud music since
then :-)

Thats a great story! Fight fire with fire.

I usually do. But kids playing do not bother me at all.

Kids are kids. The school holiday will soon be over and in a few
years they will not be kids but adults.

If it was confined to school holidays maybe, just maybe, it would be
tolerable - unfortunately it isn't. You cannot possibly justify that four
kids (plus sometimes their friends, but not always) should be allowed to
create so much noise that ten, possibly more, households have to go through
summer (and not just summer, but almost any dry time) with their doors and
windows closed to block out the noise. We all have gardens but only one out
of ten households can utilise theirs. If you think that's acceptable then
I've lost all respect for you that I've built up over the time I've been
frequenting this group.