Thread: DIYer down
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robgraham robgraham is offline
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Default DIYer down

On 11 Aug, 09:31, "Dave Liquorice"
My uncle (Welshpool's answer to TMH), putting in some loft insulation
today fell through and has gone to meet jeezus

Yeesh, it's not the fall but the sudden stop(s).

So be careful up in those lofts peeps

And can we now please keep quiet about falling off things for the
next few weeks? Says him with rather a lot of scaffolding around the
house, highest platforms are at ridge height around the chimneys (I
didn't think they built drystone chimneys... 'cause thats the
condition of the top of one of 'em).


Not something any of us want to hear - either a DIY or professional
building accident. Very sorry to hear.

Dave - the nearest I came to something similar is helping my father
repair a very similar chimney some 40 to 50 feet up as a yuf. He'd
put scaffolding up the gable end to the roof ridge level, but although
it was probably safe it was not attached absolutely firmly to the
house so as you stepped onto the roof there was this movement in the
scaffold in the opposite direction...... and as you say the chimney
was drystone - or at least was more like dry dust !! And I was rock
climbing at Very Severe level then. Ahhhhh.
