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Ignoramus7608 Ignoramus7608 is offline
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Default Some kind of macro system for G-codes, for linux

On 2010-07-23, Mike Henry wrote:

"Ignoramus24043" wrote in message
On 2010-07-22, Mike Henry wrote:

"Ignoramus21191" wrote in message
Is there some Linux based macro system for generating G codes. Say, I
wanted to mill out a rectangular pocket, or drill a bolt hole pattern
etc. I would love to use a preprocessor like macro systems for
assemblers, or C preprocessor type thing that would be eared towards
CNC machining.

I can probably do something homegrown, but would prefer to find
something that is well thought out.

Writing text files with commands does fit my personality, but I woud
prefer to be able to create my own higher level commands.


Does EMC2 support conversational programming? Mach3 has what are called
Wizards which are canned routines to do common tasks like the ones you
mention. You invoke one of them, which calls up a dialog box with fields
for parameters for the pocket size/depth, hole size and pattern, etc.
fill those in and the Wizard generates the G-code for that task and sends
the code to the controller. Maybe EMC2 has something similar.

I have not seen that sort of thing. It may exist, but I am unaware. I
have not even looked at that stuff yet.


Someone else mentioned that EMC2 has that capability through a utility of
some sort - maybe the name was Axis? In Mach the Wizards are routines that
can be programmed by users and made available for non-programmers to use.
Mach uses some form of Basic, I think, but EMC2 is probably a little more
advanced there.

Another advantage of Mach's Wizards is that the G-code from different ones
can be concatenated to make a variety of features on a part. You can use a
Wizard to surface the part to thickness, mill a circular pocket and then
drill a hole pattern for flange bolts. The G-code output from each routine
gets added to that from each predecesor and you end up with one program that
makes the entire part.


I am not sure if EMC2 has this sort of function.
