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Denis G.[_2_] Denis G.[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 350
Default Portable tool stand idea

On Jul 8, 8:29*pm, "DoN. Nichols" wrote:
On 2010-07-08, Denis G. wrote:

* * * * [ ... ]

Good idea! *I like tips, tricks and ideas of this sort. *Recently I?ve
been looking for sleeving to slip over files to keep them from
touching each other and prevent dulling. *(I read something by Guy
Lautard a while back about properly storing files and I?ve been guilty
of them together in a drawer.) *I thought about making a rack for
them, but it takes up a lot of room. *I ended up using this for my
sleeving material:
The soaker hose is made of black nylon fabric sleeving over green
(PVC?) flexible tubing.

* * * * Hmm ... there is a nice web like sleeving intended to go over
electrical cables. *Various colors in various sizes. *You push the ends
towards the middle and it expands, so it will fit a reasonable range of
file sizes. *I've just got some samples -- maybe I need to look up where
to get it and buy enough to handle all my files plus a bit. *(Several of
my files are in a vinyl pocket pouch which I picked up at a hamfest,
new. *The files were all Nicholson files, and some are safe-edge files,
which is why I bought the set in the first place. *I *love* safe-edge

* * * * Enjoy,
* * * * * * * * DoN.

*Email: * * | Voice (all times): (703) 938-4564
* * * * (too) near Washington D.C. |
* * * * * *--- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---

I'm not sure I understand the advantage of having a safe edge for a
file (i.e. a smooth side with no teeth). I do have some of those in
my collection. Most of the files that I have are second-hand, but
quite a few are in good shape and have seen little use. Some of them
have been ground for use as scrapers.
If you find a reference or source for the sleeving you mentioned,
plese let us know. I thought of making a roll up pouch to combine
some of the best of my files, but my sewing skills need more work.