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Robert Green Robert Green is offline
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Default OT. Interesting UK hand gun link.

"HeyBub" wrote in message
harry wrote:


In the US, the case would have been tossed as the gun was the fruit of an
unlawful search.

The cops were looking for a person and persons don't hide under


In the US, a search warrant specifying a stolen car does not give the cops
the right to look in closets or bureau drawers.

Had the gun be in plain sight, the cops here could use it, but under a
mattress, no way.

Oddly enough we don't work that way with nations. When we issued ourselves
a search warrant for Iraqi WMD's, it should have specified "search
thoroughly for WMD's and leave by X date" the way most search warrants do
(at least according to our own judicial history). What we did was akin to
searching a house for a bomb or guns that someone lied to the police about
being there and when finding none, hanging the father, burning some of the
children alive and demolishing most of the house. It's so far out of line
with American legal traditions and values that it astounds me still that it
happened. A pretty wise man once said "do unto others." Pity so few

Bobby G.