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Colbyt Colbyt is offline
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Default How to cut two 2 1/4" holes in vinyl soffit?

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I need to cut two 2 1/4" holes in a vinyl vent type soffit. The
holes will be next to each other for 2" PVC pipe to run through. The
soffit vent material is not flat. It's flat for a few inches then has
about a 1/2 dip, then flat again, etc. Any ideas on how to proceed?
It's at the top of the second story too, so access is only from a
ladder. Best thing I could come up with so far is a hole saw?
Also, I figure the back up plan if I screw up the holes is to cut a
square opening with a key hole saw and then find a piece of the same
vinyl soffit, cut the holes in that piece on the ground, then glue it
over the cut opening.

Any other ideas?

Cordless drill, low speed and the hole saw. Go slow and use light pressure.
Spin out in your center hole or pushing too hard are your greatest perils.

Every other "dip" on the soffit has the locking channel which will be much
harder to cut then if you are in the center of a single board. If possible
avoid that.

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