Thread: Really?
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Lobby Dosser[_3_] Lobby Dosser[_3_] is offline
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Default Really?

"basilisk" wrote in message

"Lobby Dosser" wrote in message
"DGDevin" wrote in message

"Zz Yzx" wrote in message

Do the parents have a prior history of major drug dealing, firearms
possession, or child endangerment? Any prior arrests or convictions,
or connections with convicted criminals? Did the judge who issued the
warrant have adequate justification? Was the use of a SWAT team
justified by previous information? Was the child endagerment charge
solely related to the pot possession charge, or were the parents also
indicted for running a meth lab elsewhere?

I know some fellows who train local SWAT teams, and as a rule they don't
hold them in very high regard. Local departments get federal money to
equip these teams as part of that enormous ongoing comedy act, The War
On Drugs. But they don't get enough training and most of the officers
spend most of their time writing traffic tickets and locking up
drunks--the SAS they are not. You can see and hear it in this video,
that raid is amateur night at the local bar and grill. You can hear one
cop yelling to the others to "slow it down" because he knows they're
getting excited and messing up, they don't know if the suspect is cuffed
yet or not, they're barging around like it's their first time. If it's
true they shot at a *Corgi* in addition to the pit bull--well that's
pathetic. It also kind of sounds like the child endangerment charge is
them and the DA, embarrassed, reaching for something--anything--to
justify their Keystone Cops raid.

Shooting a Corgi is senseless, I have 30 something(I'd have to count)
of these beast and the worst thing they would be guilty of would be
slobbering on the swat team in hope of begging treats from them.


Well, they might nip an ankle or three ...