Thread: Sine Bar Chart?
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RBnDFW RBnDFW is offline
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Default Sine Bar Chart?

DoN. Nichols wrote:
On 2010-04-07, Tim Wescott wrote:
RBnDFW wrote:
Anyone got a simple chart or spreadsheet for a 5" sine bar?

If you want to calculate the (gauge block) stack size needed to
get a specific angle, try:

block_stack_needed = sin(angle) * 5

that is why they are called "sine bars".

If you have a scientific calculator (like my old HP 15C), you
have a sine function in there. Otherwise, pick up an old _Handbook of
Chemistry and Physics_ (or any of a number of other reference books) and
look for a table of sines which has sufficient digits to give you the
accuracy you need. Hmm ... old editions of _Machinery's Handbook_ also
have the sine tables. Newer ones have dropped that because of the
availability of scientific calculators. (Avoid BASIC in a PC, because
it probably does not have enough significant figures to do what you need
-- and it also probably is expecting the angles in radians, not degrees.
I'm not sure what precision a spreadsheet can give, but unless you can
at least ask for "double precision" calculations, forget it.

OK, found a iPhone free app calculator with trig functions.
that ought to be the ticket.
