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Hawke[_3_] Hawke[_3_] is offline
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Default If George Bush........

On 3/23/2010 12:38 PM, Buerste wrote:
wrote in message

Give it a rest Gummer. You lost, now get over it.

March 21st, 2010 at 4:59 pm by David Frum

Conservatives and Republicans today suffered their most crushing
legislative defeat since the 1960s.


Yep, the Party of "Takers" has dealt a huge blow to the Party of
"Producers". Since the "Takers" far outweigh the "Producers", the voting is
rather predictable. However, how much can the "Takers" take from the
"Producers" before the well runs dry? In time, the "Takers" won't be able
to tax, borrow or print money and the "Producers" will be broke from paying
all the new taxes. On top of all of that, wealth creation in the US is
punished. I congratulate you! You DO get something for nothing...for a
little while...enjoy! That dull roar you hear is jobs fleeing the country
faster than ever before. Yep, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Geez!, when are you right wing doomsayers going to wake up and smell the
coffee? Things are starting to go right for the first time in a long
time. The stock market is back to nearly 11,000. First quarter earnings
data is coming out soon and the reports are that corporate profits for
the first quarter of the year are going to be very good. Business is
doing well. I guess you must be having another lousy quarter for your
business. Sorry to hear that. You might soon be a "taker" yourself. But
at least lots of other American businesses are doing very well, they are
flush with cash, and they are ready to do a lot of new mergers. The
economy is turning around. How is it that you so called business types
are the last to know? No wonder you don't know how to invest. You don't
even know which way the economy is going even when all the signs are
right there. You guys need to wake up. The problems were created when
republicans ran things. They are being solved now that Democrats are in
charge. Just like always.
