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Roger Mills Roger Mills is offline
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Default Radiator Bleed Valve

In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
RedOnRed wrote:

I bled a radiator last week and the bit that unscrews slightly
sheared off and started a slow dripping leak from the rad. I've
isolated the rad but it's now unusable until I've got a replacement part.

We're covered by E-on central heating cover who I rang last Saturday
and the soonest they can come out is Thursday (time wasters) I know
it's then going to take them weeks of messing about trying to order
it, so I'm trying to get it myself as it would be cheap and easy to
fit anyway.
Right, getting a replacement part (a radiator bleed valve) is proving
to be the ultimate unforeseen challenge. Yesterday, in my lunch break
I went to...

Buildbase B&Q BSS Plumbcenter & Graham's and unbelievably not one
of them has the part.

It's quite hard to describe the part but I think the rad is by
Centerrad and it was fitted about 5 years ago. It's a traditional
single rounded top style and the bleed valve is on the right hand
side, sort of offset at angle (looking down on it). The full part (a
sort of bolt that unscrews) is about 10mm long and is threaded and about
6mm wide. There's then a
screw inside it which bleeds the rad - which is the bit that's broken.

Does anyone have any ideas of some sort of radiator valve specialist
as at the moment i'm starting to think that I might end up having to
get a new radiator to replace one that's relatively new???


Try - and type "air vent" (without the quotes) into
the search box, select the first item, and scroll down to find something
which looks like your required bit.

Chances are that the thread on the outer bit is 1/8"BSP (which is actually
nearly 10mm in diameter). I'm not quite sure which dimensions were 10 and
6mm respectively in your description.
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