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metspitzer metspitzer is offline
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Default 68 illegals apply for MD license/ID card gave same address-800 sq ft home

On Sun, 29 Mar 2009 18:49:48 -0800, David Nebenzahl

On 3/29/2009 5:16 PM Red Green spake thus:

OT but these are the people taking taxpayer bucks in the form of gvmt
money and US citizen jobs...including construction and repair service.

Maryland is one of only four states - along with Hawaii, New Mexico and
Washington state - that do not check the immigration status of persons
trying to obtain a driver's license.


The situation has gotten so bad that businesses run classified ads in
Spanish-language publications in the District, Virginia and Maryland
urging "undocumented Hispanic friends" to take advantage of the
opportunity to get a Maryland ID without having to prove they are in the
country legally.


In one case, Maryland motor vehicle officials say, 68 people applying
for licenses and identification cards gave the same address for an
800-square-foot home in Baltimore.

So apparently you're one of those people who would be perfectly happy
kicking all them damn Meskins back to Mexico and barring the border.

Fine; I ain't going to argue morality or politics (though your attitude
flunks on both counts). But tell me this: who's gonna pick your food?
Who's going to clean your offices? Watch your kids? Mow your lawn and
rake your yard? Provide cheap day labor for thousands of contractors?

Do me a favor.
Check your state from the map.
Pick a state. Any state

You don't think we have a problem?