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Posts: 198
Default Statistics for week ending 20090119

This post is generated weekly as a service to the participants of

Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 6920 messages written between 2008-12-19 00:24:17 and
2009-01-18 23:17:36

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name Msgs Ratio
1. ah 37 94.44%
2. Myal 4 94.26%
3. 4 93.14%
4. MarkQ 4 91.25%
5. Any one ?O75z!/9˛s@WqP0SZXAs0NO2&D}CAł1_G.#`} 4 90.48%
6. Boater 12 90.10%
7. Bob Brock 18 88.72%
8. rigger 6 88.23%
58 87.78%
10. T.Alan Kraus 8 87.77%
11. My Conscience 10 87.39%
12. phil scott 13 87.09%
13. Beowulf Farukstein 10 86.53%
16 86.47%
15. Archie Leach 3 86.44%

A total of 11062369 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which
6529625, or 59.03%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Gunner Asch 488 910980 12.5%
2. Ed Huntress 324 776210 6.6%
3. Too_Many_Tools 304 839748 11.4%
4. Wes 276 218299 54.8%
5. Cliff 191 172335 68.8%
6. Curly Surmudgeon 171 379915 70.1%
7. Larry Jaques 162 242187 54.7%
8. Wild_Bill 149 294280 48.5%
9. F. George McDuffee gmcduffee@mcduffee-associates. 134 303533 22.7%
10. John R. Carroll 116 201645 60.2%
11. DoN. Nichols 109 235037 42.5%
12. Jim Wilkins 108 122010 37.5%
13. Don Foreman 84 113174 54.6%
14. Kali 82 171428 83.3%
15. Lloyd E. Sponenburgh 81 43472 27.7%

A total of 572 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at
least three messages)

Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
1. Statistics 95049 / 5 = 19009
2. 39243 / 13 = 3018
3. 12887 / 5 = 2577
25297 / 10 = 2529
5. Scott S. Logan 7254 / 3 = 2418
6. hhhhhh 8238 / 4 = 2059
7. TwoGuns 7142 / 4 = 1785 22.7%
8. F. George McDuffee gmcduffee@mcduffee-asso234749 / 134 = 1751 22.7%
15771 / 10 = 1577
10. willray 6139 / 4 = 1534 35.2%
22649 / 15 = 1509 28.9%
12. RLM 8939 / 6 = 1489 49.7%
13. Bruce L. Bergman bruceNOSPAMbergman@gmail. 35163 / 26 = 1352 37.2%
14751 / 11 = 1341 35.9%
15. David Courtney 6494 / 5 = 1298 33.3%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject Msgs Bytes
1. a welling of disdain 332 593061
2. OT - Survivalism Retail Style 258 581773
3. Manufacturing Shrinks as Orders Hit 60-Year Low 234 424265
4. OT - Spinning yourself a legacy when everyone hates you.. 174 283680
5. Lantern Mantles? Coleman or generic? 111 119225
6. OT Illinois or Louisiana? 108 195498
7. OT: The Coronation 106 147308
8. The Bush Legacy for America? 88 239931
9. Severe deflation? What deflation? 85 162082
10. #OT# more insight on mirage of a Detroit bailout 81 164052
OT - Don't eat the peanut butter 81 112439
12. Flipping Flopper 78 133296
13. Small engine rebuild update. 76 162639
Keeping home life-support up when power goes out 76 111420
15. What kind of car do American companies need to make? 74 88822

A total of 553 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program Msgs
1. Microsoft Outlook Express 1377
2. Forte Agent 1102
3. G2 921
4. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English 516
5. Forte Free Agent 375
6. Thunderbird 303
7. slrn 302
8. Thunderbird 257
9. Microsoft Windows Mail 244
10. Pan 236
11. Xnews 196
12. Mozilla 195
13. MicroPlanet Gravity 83
14. Microsoft Windows Live Mail 82
15. MT-NewsWatcher 75

A total of 55 different programs (not counting different versions) were
