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Posted to rec.crafts.metalworking
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external usenet poster
Posts: 198
Default Statistics for week ending 20081201

This post is generated weekly as a service to the participants of

================================================== ==========================
Analysis of posts to Rec.Crafts.Metalworking
================================================== ==========================
(stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 1,255 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sat Nov 29 11:17:58 2008
Latest article: Sun Nov 30 22:55:28 2008
Original articles: 64, replies: 1,191
Total size of posts: 3,543,243 bytes (3,460K) (3.38M)
Average 179 articles per day, 0.48 MB per day, 2,823 bytes per article
Total headers: 1,631 KB bodies: 1,828 KB
Body text - quoted: 1,001 KB, original: 697 KB = 41.06%, sigs: 122 KB
Total number of posters: 215, average 16,480 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 124, average 28,574 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 40

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 posters by number of articles
================================================== ==========================
1: "Ed Huntress" ....................... . : 93
2: Larry Jaques ................... : 67
3: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 57
4: "Terry Coombs" ......................... : 54
5: Wes ................................ ......... : 54
6: Cliff ............................... ....... : 46
7: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 24
8: Bob Engelhardt ..................... : 23
9: "Karl Townsend" .............. : 19
10: "Harold and Susan Vordos" ..................... : 18
11: Jim Wilkins ................................ . : 17
12: Ignoramus13690 ........... : 15
13: Winston .......................... ..... : 15
14: "SteveB" toquerville@zionvistas.......................... .... : 15
15: pyotr filipivich ........................ : 15
16: Too_Many_Tools ...................... : 15
17: Curly Surmudgeon .................... : 14
18: matthew maguire ........................ : 13
19: RoyJ .......................... ........ : 12
20: "John \"C\"" ..................... .. : 12

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 posters by article size in Kbytes
================================================== ==========================
1: "Ed Huntress" ....................... . : 325
2: Larry Jaques ................... : 187
3: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 159
4: "Terry Coombs" ......................... : 156
5: Cliff ............................... ....... : 100
6: Wes ................................ ......... : 98
7: Winston .......................... ..... : 87
8: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 60
9: "DoN. Nichols" .......................... : 57
10: "Harold and Susan Vordos" ..................... : 54
11: F. George McDuffee .......... : 50
12: pyotr filipivich ........................ : 47
13: Joseph Gwinn .......................... .. : 47
14: Curly Surmudgeon .................... : 46
15: "SteveB" toquerville@zionvistas.......................... .... : 44
16: Too_Many_Tools ...................... : 43
17: Jim Wilkins ................................ . : 40
18: "John \"C\"" ..................... .. : 40
19: Ignoramus13690 ........... : 38
20: matthew maguire ........................ : 35

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 responders by original text ( 5 posts)
================================================== ==========================
1: Winston .......................... ..... : 96.66%
2: "Leo Lichtman" .......................... : 83.69%
3: "Paul Hovnanian P.E." ..................... : 77.23%
4: Al Patrick ................................... .. : 74.09%
5: Jim Wilkins ................................ . : 72.68%
6: Bob Engelhardt ..................... : 70.24%
7: "RogerN" ............................... .... : 69.58%
8: E Z Peaces ............................ .. : 62.98%
9: "Harold and Susan Vordos" ..................... : 62.56%
10: "Karl Townsend" .............. : 62.55%
11: David Lesher .............................. .. : 61.51%
12: Richard J Kinch ............................ : 61.38%
13: matthew maguire ........................ : 59.94%
14: ........................................... : 58.72%
15: "SteveB" toquerville@zionvistas.......................... .... : 56.89%
16: "Rob H." ................................ .... : 55.95%
17: Don Foreman ................... . : 55.89%
18: "Bill Noble" ............................ .. : 55.52%
19: "Jon Danniken" ................. : 53.89%
20: Brian Lawson .......................... .. : 52.97%

================================================== ==========================
Bottom 20 responders by original text ( 5 posts)
================================================== ==========================
1: David Billington ............ : 13.99%
............................................. : 14.92%
3: Too_Many_Tools ...................... : 15.32%
4: Curly Surmudgeon .................... : 15.80%
5: Jim Chandler ................................. .. : 15.93%
............................................... : 17.09%
7: RB ............................ .......... : 17.10%
8: "David R.Birch" ............................. : 17.25%
................................. : 19.75%
10: Gerald Miller ........................... . : 19.80%
11: "Terry Coombs" ......................... : 20.39%
12: Cliff ............................... ....... : 21.58%
13: john .......................... ........ : 22.18%
14: "Martin H. Eastburn" .............. : 22.96%
15: Joseph Gwinn .......................... .. : 23.70%
16: Lew Hartswick ...................... . : 24.43%
17: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 24.54%
18: "Hawke" ....................... ..... : 26.84%
19: Spehro Pefhany ............. : 27.23%
20: Joe Pfeiffer .......................... .. : 27.55%

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 threads by no. of articles
================================================== ==========================
1: The lesson from the Mumbai mayhem.............................. : 120
2: Wish Me Luck !................................................. : 78
3: What is it? Set 260............................................ : 61
4: Simple Machines: three or six?................................. : 52
5: Squaring a milling vise........................................ : 40
6: paint car hood.............................................. ... : 31
7: The Winds............................................. ......... : 31
8: Need Whitworth tools. Will trade for Stuff..................... : 30
9: OT: Civics Test.............................................. .. : 28
10: Abrasive Cutoff Saw Issues..................................... : 27
11: Amero Hint?............................................. ....... : 26
12: whats the difference between an AC Ignition coil and a DC one?. : 26
13: Wish Me Luck ! ................................................ : 25
14: OT -- A Car Wreck Made in Washington - Can Democrats afford to : 24
15: exact gear ratio............................................. .. : 21
16: AR15 evaluation........................................ ........ : 20
17: Springy steel............................................. ..... : 20
18: OT: Amero Hint?............................................. ... : 20
19: Bandsaw vs cold saw............................................ : 19
20: Royal Enfield Milestone........................................ : 19

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 threads by size in KB
================================================== ==========================
1: The lesson from the Mumbai mayhem.............................. : 341
2: Wish Me Luck !................................................. : 203
3: What is it? Set 260............................................ : 150
4: Simple Machines: three or six?................................. : 145
5: Amero Hint?............................................. ....... : 114
6: Squaring a milling vise........................................ : 113
7: The Winds............................................. ......... : 109
8: paint car hood.............................................. ... : 89
9: OT: Makin' Money?............................................ .. : 78
10: McGyver resource: The Circular File............................ : 78
11: Royal Enfield Milestone........................................ : 76
12: Wish Me Luck ! ................................................ : 73
13: Need Whitworth tools. Will trade for Stuff..................... : 63
14: whats the difference between an AC Ignition coil and a DC one?. : 62
15: Abrasive Cutoff Saw Issues..................................... : 62
16: OT -- A Car Wreck Made in Washington - Can Democrats afford to : 61
17: OT - God, then and now......................................... : 61
18: OT: Civics Test.............................................. .. : 60
19: OT: Ballot challenge truce..................................... : 57
20: Depressing........................................ ............. : 56

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 cross-posted groups
================================================== ==========================
1: alt.machines.cnc.................................. ............. : 135
2: misc.survivalism.................................. ............. : 96
3: alt.usenet.kooks.................................. ............. : 88
4: rec.woodworking................................... ............. : 63
5: rec.puzzles....................................... ............. : 62
6: alt.fluff-girl.pinku-sensei.................................... : 25
7: sci.environment................................... ............. : 18
8: .. : 18
9: misc.srvivalism................................... ............. : 18
10: alt.impeach.bush.................................. ............. : 13

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 User Agents by poster
================================================== ==========================
1: Microsoft Outlook Express...................................... : 52
2: G2/1.0............................................... .......... : 43
3: Forte Agent............................................. ....... : 33
4: Mozilla........................................... ............. : 13
5: Thunderbird (Windows/20081105)........................ : 13
6: Xnews............................................. ............. : 6
7: Unknown........................................... ............. : 6
8: MT-NewsWatcher....................................... .......... : 6
9: Pan............................................... ............. : 5
10: Forte Free Agent............................................. .. : 5

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 User Agents by number of posts
================================================== ==========================
1: Outlook Express........................................... : 353 (28%)
2: Forte Agent............................................. .. : 297 (24%)
3: G2................................................ ........ : 134 (11%)
4: Thunderbird (Windows............................. : 88 ( 7%)
5: Mozilla........................................... ........ : 79 ( 6%)
6: Forte Free Agent.......................................... : 68 ( 5%)
7: slrn.............................................. ........ : 36 ( 3%)
8: unknown........................................... ........ : 27 ( 2%)
9: MT-NewsWatcher....................................... ..... : 21 ( 2%)
10: Xnews............................................. ........ : 19 ( 2%)

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 time zones
================================================== ==========================
1: -0500.............................................. ............ : 383
2: -0600.............................................. ............ : 294
3: -0800.............................................. ............ : 279
4: -0800 (PST)............................................. ....... : 134
5: UTC............................................... ............. : 100
6: -0700.............................................. ............ : 31
7: +0700............................................. ............. : 11
8: +0900............................................. ............. : 8
9: +1100............................................. ............. : 5
10: -0400.............................................. ............ : 4

================================================== ==========================
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 6434 messages written between 2008-11-01 00:21:04 and
2008-11-30 22:40:09

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name Msgs Ratio
1. Jeff McCann 5 94.32%
2. ah 144 93.11%
3. John McWilliams 3 92.48%
4. Naked Gonad 9 90.72%
5. Strider 12 90.18%
6. Bob Brock 34 90.02%
7. Tag Heuer 67 89.81%
8. ViperSpit 3 89.77%
9. Eli Grubman 7 88.83%
10. Kurt Lochner 5 88.79%
4 88.63%
5 86.41%
13. John \"C\" 51 86.14%
14. Sid9 5 86.08%
67 86.05%

A total of 9497656 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which
5532161, or 58.25%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Ed Huntress 372 816117 10.2%
2. Cliff 338 295873 71.1%
3. Gunner Asch 309 424627 57.7%
4. Larry Jaques 242 331842 60.2%
5. Wes 201 146934 44.5%
6. Curly Surmudgeon 162 385854 66.8%
7. rand mair fheal 147 172199 61.3%
8. ah 144 175840 93.1%
9. marika 97 71653 30.0%
10. Jim Wilkins 95 76988 34.3%
11. Terry Coombs 91 118766 74.1%
12. RogerN 88 224201 49.4%
13. DoN. Nichols 86 227518 45.6%
14. Harold and Susan Vordos 84 130322 40.0%
15. Hawke 75 153213 67.6%

A total of 542 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at
least three messages)

Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
1. Statistics 73023 / 4 = 18255
2. m+a+r+y+a+ 28584 / 3 = 9528
23673 / 3 = 7891
4. The God of Odd Statements, Henry Schmidt p 29783 / 4 = 7445 11.4%
5. Bob Summers powermatic66.removethis@yahoo. 20381 / 5 = 4076 31.7%
13638 / 4 = 3409 22.4%
7. spaco 39346 / 12 = 3278 10.4%
8. Lola Stonewall Riot 24852 / 9 = 2761 27.7%
9. Snarky 21252 / 8 = 2656 33.7%
10. The Demon of Mockery & Silliness, Chas. E. 10432 / 4 = 2608 23.7%
11. Winston 171974 / 70 = 2456 12.1%
12. Scott S. Logan 7254 / 3 = 2418
13. Grumpy 28112 / 14 = 2008 28.9%
14. F. George McDuffee gmcduffee@mcduffee-asso107827 / 64 = 1684 30.6%
15. Ignoramus32310 23233 / 15 = 1548 29.3%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject Msgs Bytes
1. What is 200 + 77? Answer: President Obama 422 510908
2. The Winds 132 237560
3. Republicans are sore losers.... 125 256928
4. OT - God, then and now 121 235061
5. The lesson from the Mumbai mayhem 120 182636
6. Still Time to Vote? 102 163248
7. Obama's landslide? 100 151450
8. AR15 evaluation 85 93557
9. Wish Me Luck ! 78 98541
10. Republican Voter Suppression: A Guide 77 183637
11. Cutting 1"-8 thread 75 58193
12. Obama "Would like to teach the world to sing" 73 144040
13. Another repub bites the dust 72 107308
14. Bush Bailout 69 127826
Sic semper tyrannis 69 81267

A total of 521 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program Msgs
1. Microsoft Outlook Express 1486
2. Forte Agent 1007
3. G2 591
4. Forte Free Agent 437
5. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English 425
6. Thunderbird 363
7. Mozilla 301
8. slrn 287
9. MT-NewsWatcher 200
10. Microsoft Windows Mail 191
11. Thunderbird 166
12. Mariozilla 144
13. Xnews 115
14. Pan 85
15. tin 41

A total of 42 different programs (not counting different versions) were
