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Posted to rec.crafts.metalworking
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external usenet poster
Posts: 198
Default Statistics for week ending 20081027

This post is generated weekly as a service to the participants of

================================================== ==========================
Analysis of posts to Rec.Crafts.Metalworking
================================================== ==========================
(stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 1,531 over 7 days
Earliest article: Mon Oct 20 06:55:23 2008
Latest article: Mon Oct 27 04:58:13 2008
Original articles: 102, replies: 1,429
Total size of posts: 4,399,641 bytes (4,296K) (4.20M)
Average 218 articles per day, 0.60 MB per day, 2,873 bytes per article
Total headers: 1,998 KB bodies: 2,297 KB
Body text - quoted: 1,242 KB, original: 795 KB = 39.05%, sigs: 251 KB
Total number of posters: 305, average 14,425 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 152, average 28,945 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 48

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 posters by number of articles
================================================== ==========================
1: Cliff ............................... ....... : 98
2: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 82
3: "Ed Huntress" ....................... . : 78
4: Larry Jaques ................... : 64
5: F. George McDuffee .......... : 38
6: Vernon ............................. ...... : 31
7: Wes ................................ ......... : 28
8: "Hawke" ....................... ..... : 27
9: rand mair fheal ............................ : 27
10: Jim Wilkins ................................ . : 24
11: Gerald Miller ........................... . : 22
12: "SteveB" toquerville@zionvistas.......................... .... : 22
13: "DoN. Nichols" .......................... : 20
14: Ignoramus24384 ........... : 20
15: Some Guy ............. .... : 19
16: pyotr filipivich ........................ : 19
17: Richard J Kinch ............................ : 18
18: cavelamb himself ..................... : 18
19: D Murphy ........................... .... : 18
20: "Harold and Susan Vordos" ..................... : 15

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 posters by article size in Kbytes
================================================== ==========================
1: "Ed Huntress" ....................... . : 314
2: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 282
3: Cliff ............................... ....... : 210
4: Larry Jaques ................... : 196
5: F. George McDuffee .......... : 132
6: rand mair fheal ............................ : 86
7: Vernon ............................. ...... : 84
8: "Hawke" ....................... ..... : 82
9: D Murphy ........................... .... : 74
10: Some Guy ............. .... : 72
11: "SteveB" toquerville@zionvistas.......................... .... : 67
12: "DoN. Nichols" .......................... : 62
13: The Black Goat With A Thousand Young : 62
14: pyotr filipivich ........................ : 61
15: Jim Wilkins ................................ . : 56
16: Gerald Miller ........................... . : 56
17: Ignoramus24384 ........... : 48
18: cavelamb himself ..................... : 48
19: "Harold and Susan Vordos" ..................... : 46
20: Wes ................................ ......... : 42

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 responders by original text ( 5 posts)
================================================== ==========================
1: steamer ............................... ..... : 95.89%
2: Bob Engelhardt ..................... : 87.75%
3: Al Patrick ................................... .. : 81.84%
4: ........................................... : 81.22%
5: F. George McDuffee .......... : 77.24%
6: "Vaughn Simon" ............. : 76.71%
7: "Stupendous Man" ............................... : 76.61%
8: Richard J Kinch ............................ : 75.75%
9: Jon Elson ............................. : 70.27%
10: Jim Wilkins ................................ . : 69.67%
11: "Swingman" .................................. .. : 67.95%
12: "Michael Koblic" ........................ : 66.42%
13: "Karl Townsend" .............. : 65.93%
14: GeoLane at PTD dot NET GeoLane at PTD dot NET................ : 65.03%
15: "Lee Michaels" ............. : 64.38%
16: Bruce L. Bergman ........... : 63.40%
17: _ ...... ........... : 62.72%
18: David Lesher .............................. .. : 62.16%
19: "RogerN" ............................... .... : 61.79%
20: "Wild_Bill" ...................... . : 61.13%

================================================== ==========================
Bottom 20 responders by original text ( 5 posts)
================================================== ==========================
1: ah ........................... .......... : 5.06%
2: "Kadaitcha Man" ...................... : 10.81%
3: The Black Goat With A Thousand Young : 14.13%
4: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 15.63%
5: Too_Many_Tools ...................... : 16.20%
6: Curly Surmudgeon .................... : 19.59%
7: Boater .......................... ...... : 20.73%
8: cavelamb himself ..................... : 21.22%
9: D Murphy ........................... .... : 21.33%
10: Ignoramus3071 ............. . : 21.39%
11: John Doe ......................... .... : 23.29%
12: =?iso-8859-1?b?p/H8aHfYo2Y=?= ............. : 23.69%
13: Some Guy ............. .... : 25.27%
14: Snarky ..................... ...... : 25.39%
15: Jim Chandler ................................. .. : 26.41%
16: Gerald Miller ........................... . : 28.95%
17: "RAM³" ...................... ...... : 29.92%
18: Christopher Tidy .................. : 30.07%
19: Ignoramus24384 ........... : 30.13%
20: Ignoramus28420 ........... : 30.35%

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 threads by no. of articles
================================================== ==========================
1: The Horror, The Horror Yet To Come............................. : 80
2: Where are YOU cutting back?.................................... : 71
3: English bike!.................................... : 68
4: Diamond wheel tool grinder..................................... : 52
5: Obama again wins "debate"...................................... : 40
6: OT - Uncle Sam Goes Car Crazy -- Your government gets into the : 39
7: Welfare Queen............................................. ..... : 36
8: hard black plastic?.......................................... .. : 36
9: Why is Sarah Palin in.......................................... : 35
10: Bushco Wins Another One........................................ : 33
11: OT - God, then and now......................................... : 32
12: OT: Socialism You Can Believe In............................... : 32
13: Bullworth......................................... ............. : 31
14: anyone need free WEDM work..................................... : 30
15: A new solution to the Bush/McCain economic collapse............ : 28
16: Where do all those funny 'standards' come from................. : 25
17: Magic toolbox........................................... ....... : 25
18: Of Camcorders, Macs and other things........................... : 25
19: OT: Countertops in kitchen..................................... : 25
20: A fun day on the ranch......................................... : 24

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 threads by size in KB
================================================== ==========================
1: The Horror, The Horror Yet To Come............................. : 296
2: OT - Uncle Sam Goes Car Crazy -- Your government gets into the : 212
3: Where are YOU cutting back?.................................... : 160
4: Why is Sarah Palin in.......................................... : 160
5: English bike!.................................... : 153
6: Diamond wheel tool grinder..................................... : 148
7: Obama again wins "debate"...................................... : 125
8: Bushco Wins Another One........................................ : 113
9: Welfare Queen............................................. ..... : 99
10: OT: Socialism You Can Believe In............................... : 96
11: Bullworth......................................... ............. : 93
12: hard black plastic?.......................................... .. : 89
13: A fun day on the ranch......................................... : 87
14: OT - God, then and now......................................... : 80
15: Of Camcorders, Macs and other things........................... : 79
16: A new solution to the Bush/McCain economic collapse............ : 74
17: OT: Whoops! That really IS Sam the Plumber..................... : 67
18: George McDuffee.......................................... ...... : 60
19: HF shop crane - was Bridgeport dimension....................... : 60
20: Where do all those funny 'standards' come from................. : 58

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 cross-posted groups
================================================== ==========================
1: alt.machines.cnc.................................. ............. : 480
2: misc.survivalism.................................. ............. : 397
3: alt.usenet.kooks.................................. ............. : 280
4: ............. : 168
5: alt.impeach.bush.................................. ............. : 163
6: ............. : 101
7: rec.woodworking................................... ............. : 84
8: sci.engr.joining.welding.......................... ............. : 71
9: misc.consumers.frugal-living................................... : 60
10: rec.puzzles....................................... ............. : 28

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 User Agents by poster
================================================== ==========================
1: Microsoft Outlook Express...................................... : 67
2: G2/1.0............................................... .......... : 47
3: Forte Agent............................................. ....... : 43
4: Thunderbird (Windows/20080914)........................ : 26
5: Mozilla........................................... ............. : 19
6: Unknown........................................... ............. : 15
7: rn................................................ ............. : 12
8: Pan............................................... ............. : 9
9: Xnews............................................. ............. : 9
10: MT-NewsWatcher....................................... .......... : 9

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 User Agents by number of posts
================================================== ==========================
1: Forte Agent............................................. .. : 338 (22%)
2: Outlook Express........................................... : 337 (22%)
3: Forte Free Agent.......................................... : 142 ( 9%)
4: G2................................................ ........ : 136 ( 9%)
5: Mozilla........................................... ........ : 103 ( 7%)
6: slrn.............................................. ........ : 79 ( 5%)
7: Thunderbird (Windows............................. : 67 ( 4%)
8: Xnews............................................. ........ : 62 ( 4%)
9: MT-NewsWatcher....................................... ..... : 45 ( 3%)
10: Pan............................................... ........ : 34 ( 2%)

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 time zones
================================================== ==========================
1: -0700.............................................. ............ : 406
2: -0400.............................................. ............ : 404
3: -0500.............................................. ............ : 293
4: UTC............................................... ............. : 184
5: -0700 (PDT)............................................. ....... : 136
6: -0800.............................................. ............ : 38
7: +0100............................................. ............. : 22
8: -0600.............................................. ............ : 20
9: +0800............................................. ............. : 7
10: +1100............................................. ............. : 6

================================================== ==========================
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 7110 messages written between 2008-09-27 00:16:54 and
2008-10-26 23:16:22

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name Msgs Ratio
1. Naked Gonad 7 98.47%
2. marcodbeast 3 97.77%
3 97.57%
4. ah 84 97.27%
5. Git_RDunn 12 95.47%
6. Paulie Walnutts 3 92.63%
7. Bob Brock 20 89.45%
3 89.21%
9. Fred Fredburger 3 88.81%
10. BAR 41 88.34%
11. John \"C\" 7 88.29%
12. Gary Pewitt 3 87.53%
13. Uhh_Clem 3 86.95%
14. Obama-Biden in 08 8 86.75%
15. Fritz Wuehler 3 86.64%

A total of 11561634 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which
6238157, or 53.96%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Cliff 428 404510 59.1%
2. Ed Huntress 305 709492 0.8%
3. Gunner Asch 265 496990 66.6%
4. Larry Jaques 216 328350 58.2%
5. Wes 204 115308 44.6%
6. rand mair fheal 191 280024 61.7%
7. Curly Surmudgeon 190 492006 67.0%
8. F. George McDuffee gmcduffee@mcduffee-associates. 135 343960 19.8%
9. Christopher Tidy 128 176303 67.2%
10. John R. Carroll 122 216260 49.3%
11. Gunner 119 224911 66.0%
12. DoN. Nichols 115 275090 37.0%
13. Aratzio 98 190588 75.2%
14. Hawke 93 200425 63.5%
15. ah 84 218722 97.3%

A total of 628 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at
least three messages)

Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
1. Statistics 110220 / 5 = 22044
2. The Secretary of HomIntern cbcrfanexl@zrbj 91612 / 8 = 11451 11.2%
3. Lola Stonewall Riot 51878 / 5 = 10375 17.6%
4. The Original Demon Prince of Absurdity abs143886 / 14 = 10277 8.8%
5. The Black Goat With A Thousand Young ancie188315 / 26 = 7242 13.5%
6. The God of Odd Statements, Henry Schmidt p 69685 / 10 = 6968 10.7%
7. Demon Lord Benedict Snodgrass Jr of Confusi276274 / 41 = 6738 18.6%
8. the great win 18954 / 3 = 6318
9. Porsche Monkey For Life PorscheMonkey4Life 33100 / 6 = 5516 23.6%
10. Synthetic Networked Android Responsible for 81807 / 16 = 5112 13.6%
11. m+a+r+y+a+ 20032 / 4 = 5008
12. The Demon of Mockery & Silliness, Chas. E. 21718 / 7 = 3102 42.6%
13. Ignoramus12952 12065 / 4 = 3016 8.7%
14. Nomen Nescio 8636 / 3 = 2878 8.1%
15. sittingduck 40732 / 16 = 2545 23.1%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject Msgs Bytes
1. Republicans: Nancy Pelosi Was Mean To Us - Petty Sissies 235 562040
2. Obama again wins "debate" 213 449472
3. O.J. is going to prison 151 211665
4. OT: Whoops! That really IS Sam the Plumber 145 320004
5. I'm a little confused... 133 356030
6. OT: WaMu bites the big one 124 276128
7. The Horror, The Horror Yet To Come 123 261465
8. OT-Food for thought 106 290186
9. The bright side of the stockmarket collapse 86 190216
Ultra thin screwdriver 86 148327
11. Drawing program CAD 85 110716
12. Repubs on Terrorists 81 138804
13. Why is Sarah Palin in... 73 146873
14. Where are YOU cutting back? 69 66488
15. Old Age 68 126348

A total of 609 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program Msgs
1. Microsoft Outlook Express 1427
2. Forte Agent 1152
3. G2 625
4. Forte Free Agent 586
5. Mozilla 556
6. Thunderbird 389
7. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English 381
8. slrn 316
9. Xnews 250
10. MT-NewsWatcher 235
11. Pan 223
12. Microsoft Windows Mail 92
13. Mariozilla 84
14. tin 59
15. Thunderbird 50

A total of 44 different programs (not counting different versions) were
