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Posted to rec.crafts.metalworking
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external usenet poster
Posts: 198
Default Statistics for week ending 20081013

This post is generated weekly as a service to the participants of

================================================== ==========================
Analysis of posts to Rec.Crafts.Metalworking
================================================== ==========================
(stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 1,527 over 7 days
Earliest article: Mon Oct 6 00:55:15 2008
Latest article: Sun Oct 12 22:55:28 2008
Original articles: 112, replies: 1,415
Total size of posts: 4,582,687 bytes (4,475K) (4.37M)
Average 218 articles per day, 0.62 MB per day, 3,001 bytes per article
Total headers: 2,073 KB bodies: 2,401 KB
Body text - quoted: 1,325 KB, original: 749 KB = 36.14%, sigs: 319 KB
Total number of posters: 277, average 16,543 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 175, average 26,186 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 42

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 posters by number of articles
================================================== ==========================
1: Cliff ............................... ....... : 71
2: "Ed Huntress" ....................... . : 57
3: Larry Jaques ................... : 52
4: Gunner .................... ...... : 51
5: Christopher Tidy .................. : 48
6: Wes ................................ ......... : 47
7: rand mair fheal ............................ : 46
8: cavelamb himself ..................... : 38
9: ah ........................... .......... : 38
10: "DrollTroll" .......................... .. : 32
11: "Michael A. Terrell" .............. : 32
12: Curly Surmudgeon .................... : 29
13: "DoN. Nichols" .......................... : 26
14: Bruce L. Bergman ........... : 26
15: Don Foreman ................... . : 24
16: Richard J Kinch ............................ : 22
17: F. George McDuffee .......... : 21
18: "John R. Carroll" ......... : 20
19: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 20
20: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 20

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 posters by article size in Kbytes
================================================== ==========================
1: rand mair fheal ............................ : 207
2: ah ........................... .......... : 194
3: Gunner .................... ...... : 189
4: "Ed Huntress" ....................... . : 181
5: Larry Jaques ................... : 141
6: Christopher Tidy .................. : 140
7: Cliff ............................... ....... : 140
8: cavelamb himself ..................... : 116
9: Curly Surmudgeon .................... : 111
10: "Michael A. Terrell" .............. : 92
11: "DrollTroll" .......................... .. : 82
12: Wes ................................ ......... : 81
13: "DoN. Nichols" .......................... : 78
14: Bruce L. Bergman ........... : 77
15: Git_RDunn ................................. ... : 72
16: F. George McDuffee .......... : 70
17: "John R. Carroll" ......... : 65
18: Vernon ............................. ...... : 65
19: Aratzio ........................ ..... : 61
20: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 60

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 responders by original text ( 5 posts)
================================================== ==========================
1: "RogerN" ............................... .... : 92.80%
2: "Leo Lichtman" ................... : 85.52%
3: "Lloyd E. Sponenburgh" : 84.81%
4: poresta ......................... ..... : 83.27%
5: "Vaughn Simon" ............. : 82.71%
6: "Stupendous Man" ............................... : 76.66%
7: Richard J Kinch ............................ : 75.51%
8: Bob Engelhardt ..................... : 74.39%
9: John H. ............................ ..... : 74.02%
10: Ignoramus18605 ........... : 72.97%
11: David Lesher .............................. .. : 72.55%
12: F. George McDuffee .......... : 72.53%
13: Jon Anderson ....................... .. : 72.02%
14: steamer ............................... ..... : 69.17%
15: GeoLane at PTD dot NET GeoLane at PTD dot NET................ : 67.87%
16: Jon Elson ............................. : 67.75%
17: "Karl Townsend" .............. : 58.86%
18: Wes ................................ ......... : 58.57%
19: Bruce L. Bergman ........... : 58.55%
20: Grant Erwin ........................ . : 54.89%

================================================== ==========================
Bottom 20 responders by original text ( 5 posts)
================================================== ==========================
1: ah ........................... .......... : 1.86%
2: Git_RDunn ................................. ... : 4.52%
3: "The Demon of Mockery & Silliness, Chas. E. Pemberton" : 12.81%
4: Aratzio ........................ ..... : 13.13%
5: ................................. : 14.02%
6: Cydrome Leader ....................... : 14.03%
7: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 15.60%
8: Patriot Games ........................... . : 16.25%
9: Sunworshipper Sunworshipper................................. . : 17.83%
10: Curly Surmudgeon .................... : 19.66%
11: clare at snyder dot ontario dot canada......................... : 20.74%
12: "Michael A. Terrell" .............. : 20.79%
13: Jim Stewart ............................ . : 20.88%
14: "Buerste" ................................. ... : 21.36%
15: rand mair fheal ............................ : 23.17%
16: Boater .................................... . : 23.17%
17: =?iso-8859-1?b?p/H8aHfYo2Y=?= ............. : 23.33%
18: Vernon ............................. ...... : 24.18%
19: Abrasha ............................. ..... : 24.98%
20: Demon Lord Benedict Snodgrass Jr of Confusion popesnarky.verwa : 26.04%

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 threads by no. of articles
================================================== ==========================
1: The bright side of the stockmarket collapse.................... : 83
2: O.J. is going to prison........................................ : 77
3: DFX to Gerber?........................................... ...... : 62
4: Republicans: Nancy Pelosi Was Mean To Us - Petty Sissies Vote N : 48
5: OT-Food for thought........................................... . : 46
6: BBC............................................... ............. : 41
7: Strength of aircraft grade versus 6061 aluminum?............... : 38
8: Wire rope Q................................................. ... : 34
9: Ot - Not Political - Economic Meltdown......................... : 33
10: Troopergate & neocon "executive privilege"..................... : 29
11: Winger Dreams............................................ ...... : 27
12: OT: new toaster, 10 yr investment.............................. : 27
13: New nom de plume for an oft contributor........................ : 27
14: Government stockpiles 500,000 coffins for us................... : 26
15: Literacy.......................................... ............. : 26
16: Changing my principles........................................ . : 25
17: Melting down wingers........................................... : 24
18: How to set up VFD to properly control KBC bench mill........... : 24
19: Larry Jaques's color pick...................................... : 24
20: John McCain & Medicare......................................... : 23

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 threads by size in KB
================================================== ==========================
1: Republicans: Nancy Pelosi Was Mean To Us - Petty Sissies Vote N : 301
2: The bright side of the stockmarket collapse.................... : 297
3: OT-Food for thought........................................... . : 227
4: O.J. is going to prison........................................ : 223
5: DFX to Gerber?........................................... ...... : 165
6: BBC............................................... ............. : 139
7: Literacy.......................................... ............. : 115
8: How to set up VFD to properly control KBC bench mill........... : 106
9: Troopergate & neocon "executive privilege"..................... : 105
10: Winger Dreams............................................ ...... : 97
11: John McCain & Medicare......................................... : 89
12: Ot - Not Political - Economic Meltdown......................... : 86
13: OT: new toaster, 10 yr investment.............................. : 82
14: Strength of aircraft grade versus 6061 aluminum?............... : 75
15: Another High Crime by President Bush........................... : 74
16: New nom de plume for an oft contributor........................ : 73
17: Wire rope Q................................................. ... : 71
18: Larry Jaques's color pick...................................... : 68
19: Changing my principles........................................ . : 62
20: Battery question.......................................... ..... : 58

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 cross-posted groups
================================================== ==========================
1: alt.machines.cnc.................................. ............. : 427
2: misc.survivalism.................................. ............. : 420
3: alt.usenet.kooks.................................. ............. : 322
4: alt.impeach.bush.................................. ............. : 241
5: ............. : 197
6: ............. : 147
7: alt.politics.republicans.......................... ............. : 55
8: alt.politics...................................... ............. : 54
9: alt.aratzio....................................... ............. : 47
10: : 47

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 User Agents by poster
================================================== ==========================
1: G2/1.0............................................... .......... : 62
2: Microsoft Outlook Express...................................... : 58
3: Forte Agent............................................. ....... : 40
4: Thunderbird (Windows/20080914)........................ : 19
5: Mozilla........................................... ............. : 19
6: Unknown........................................... ............. : 12
7: Pan............................................... ............. : 10
8: rn................................................ ............. : 10
9: Xnews............................................. ............. : 9
10: Forte Free Agent............................................. .. : 6

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 User Agents by number of posts
================================================== ==========================
1: Forte Agent............................................. .. : 343 (22%)
2: Outlook Express........................................... : 280 (18%)
3: Mozilla........................................... ........ : 206 (13%)
4: G2................................................ ........ : 156 (10%)
5: Forte Free Agent.......................................... : 100 ( 7%)
6: slrn.............................................. ........ : 71 ( 5%)
7: Xnews............................................. ........ : 54 ( 4%)
8: Thunderbird (Windows............................. : 53 ( 3%)
9: unknown........................................... ........ : 49 ( 3%)
10: MT-NewsWatcher....................................... ..... : 49 ( 3%)

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 time zones
================================================== ==========================
1: -0400.............................................. ............ : 451
2: -0700.............................................. ............ : 393
3: -0500.............................................. ............ : 267
4: UTC............................................... ............. : 188
5: -0700 (PDT)............................................. ....... : 156
6: -0800.............................................. ............ : 23
7: +0100............................................. ............. : 19
8: -0600.............................................. ............ : 14
9: +0800............................................. ............. : 7
10: +0200............................................. ............. : 3

================================================== ==========================
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 7878 messages written between 2008-09-13 00:02:02 and
2008-10-12 23:10:25

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name Msgs Ratio
1. ah 71 97.65%
3 97.57%
3. Naked Gonad 10 97.47%
4. Git_RDunn 12 95.47%
5. RIP 3 94.22%
6. Paulie Walnutts 3 92.63%
7. Robert Jones 3 91.79%
8. Jim 4 91.59%
9. RecBoats 7 91.45%
10. David R Brooks 3 91.23%
11. Wim Jay 6 90.71%
12. Kirk Gordon 4 89.93%
13. Dan 7 89.22%
14. Starkiller 3 88.58%
15. Bob Brock 28 88.09%

A total of 13023566 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which
7069573, or 54.28%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Cliff 445 388153 55.0%
2. Ed Huntress 376 763617 7.1%
3. Gunner Asch 347 640231 63.8%
4. Curly Surmudgeon 263 701647 60.5%
5. Larry Jaques 243 373697 58.2%
6. Wes 194 115177 46.3%
7. John R. Carroll 184 361565 48.2%
8. Gunner 171 306065 66.1%
9. F. George McDuffee gmcduffee@mcduffee-associates. 147 346554 18.5%
10. Christopher Tidy 145 168039 69.6%
132 211846 83.6%
Michael A. Terrell 132 172835 56.1%
13. Hawke 127 289753 64.9%
14. DoN. Nichols 126 263305 36.7%
15. rand mair fheal 125 207185 67.4%

A total of 689 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at
least three messages)

Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
1. Statistics 96713 / 7 = 13816
2. The Secretary of HomIntern cbcrfanexl@zrbj114361 / 10 = 11436 5.0%
3. The Original Demon Prince of Absurdity abs 50312 / 5 = 10062 12.1%
4. The God of Odd Statements, Henry Schmidt p 76570 / 11 = 6960 11.2%
5. The Black Goat With A Thousand Young ancie359356 / 52 = 6910 14.0%
6. Demon Lord Benedict Snodgrass Jr of Confusi229451 / 34 = 6748 17.0%
7. Lola Stonewall Riot 59203 / 9 = 6578 22.8%
8. the great win 18954 / 3 = 6318
9. Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition 24589 / 4 = 6147 21.2%
10. Porsche Monkey For Life PorscheMonkey4Life 33100 / 6 = 5516 23.6%
11. Synthetic Networked Android Responsible for106510 / 21 = 5071 13.7%
12. None4You 14110 / 4 = 3527 32.0%
13. LOVE Europe HATE the EU zzzxtyryyetytryey@ 10506 / 3 = 3502
14. Nomen Nescio 8636 / 3 = 2878 8.1%
15. The Demon of Mockery & Silliness, Chas. E. 19993 / 8 = 2499 42.0%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject Msgs Bytes
1. I'm voting republican because... 404 711772
2. I'm a little confused... 269 672607
3. Republicans: Nancy Pelosi Was Mean To Us - Petty Sissies 234 561724
4. Banning Books 186 402053
5. OT: WaMu bites the big one 146 313395
6. OT: another domino thud-thud-thud-thud-thud---- 142 265378
7. O.J. is going to prison 137 184960
8. OT-Food for thought 105 280359
9. Health Care 100 366229
10. Drawing program CAD 85 110716
11. The bright side of the stockmarket collapse 83 177300
12. Our economy... 78 167579
13. Old Age 66 121401
CEO'S and GREED 66 94367
Welding is very dangerous 66 81310

A total of 698 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program Msgs
1. Microsoft Outlook Express 1650
2. Forte Agent 1231
3. G2 815
4. Mozilla 632
5. Forte Free Agent 629
6. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English 457
7. slrn 328
8. Thunderbird 244
9. Pan 225
10. Xnews 213
11. Thunderbird 198
12. MT-NewsWatcher 187
13. Microsoft Windows Mail 96
14. Mariozilla 71
15. tin 53

A total of 46 different programs (not counting different versions) were
