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Jim Yanik Jim Yanik is offline
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Default CSI electrical mistake

Calvin Henry-Cotnam wrote in

pipedown ) said...

Yeah, CSI Miami is probably the worst of the 4 such shows on that
network. NCIS comes closest but still makes a few technical mistakes.
I also find all of them entertaining but wouldn't rely on anything I
saw on them if I were a juror.

I wonder how many of these "mistakes" are really mistakes and how many
are deliberate misinformation.

These shows do a surprising amount of research, given that this is
just entertainment. I had a relative who was the chief coroner in our
province in the 70's and 80's and his office was consulted a few times
by the producers of Quincy. Given that production values have
increased since that time, it reasonably follows that research has

From that and the desire on the part of the producers and the networks
to avoid litigation, it seems reasonable to believe that deliberate
misinformation is sprinkled into scripts to prevent the accusation
that the show is a "how-to" manual on committing murder.

IMO,the CSI:Miami "Florida gun registration database" is an attempt to bias
the unknowing public in favor of gun registration,as a tool for solving
crimes,when it hasn't been shown to be effective at that.

also what irks me is when a CSI holds up a bullet and says "9mm" without
measuring it,and the difference between .38,.380,.357 Magnum,and the
several 9's is only a few thousandths of an inch,not discernable with the
naked eye.

They also show a CSI test-shooting a handgun into ballistic gelatin and the
actual bullet depicted is a spitzer RIFLE bullet.

Jim Yanik