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Nate Nagel Nate Nagel is offline
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Default Anyone have experience w/Harbor Freight sandblasters?

Dave Bugg wrote:
RBM wrote:

"Dave Bugg" wrote in message

David Nebenzahl wrote:

*For those who ask "Why not just rent a sandblaster?", an
interesting tale therein: I did call my favorite rental place
(Cresco), who told me that not only do they not rent sandblasters,
but that nobody else does either. Asked why, they said that it's
because of liability issues; apparently, someone renting one
damaged nearby parked cars one too many times.

Why would the rental company be responsible for the damage? After
all, doesn't the same risk apply to any tool that is rented? A jack
hammer throwing a chip of rock or concrete, a de-thatching machine
hurling a hunk-O-stone, a 30 foot ladder falling. It seems to me
that the person causing the damage would be the responsible party.


What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan

Having used a professional rig, and being inexperienced at the time,
my guess is they're more concerned with damage to the people using
it. Just flash that thing across your hand and watch the skin

That's a fact :-)

gloves? don't people wear gloves when sandblasting?

just seems like a good idea, is all I'm sayin'.


replace "roosters" with "cox" to reply.