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RBM[_2_] RBM[_2_] is offline
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Default Anyone have experience w/Harbor Freight sandblasters?

"David Nebenzahl" wrote in message
Have a potential sandblasting job (removing peeled paint from below a
steel & concrete staircase, fairly large area), and I suggested to my
client that we might use either one of these Harbor Freight sandblasters
with a rented compressor:*

Does anyone have experience with either of these, or with similar ones
from this or other vendors? One's $15, the other $13, so when my client
asked if these would do the job, I told him that they probably would, and
even if we ended up buying two of these to finish the job, they're so
cheap that they could be practically considered consumables.

(Replies that basically say "Harbor Freight sucks!" will be ingored, thank
you very much.)

*For those who ask "Why not just rent a sandblaster?", an interesting tale
therein: I did call my favorite rental place (Cresco), who told me that
not only do they not rent sandblasters, but that nobody else does either.
Asked why, they said that it's because of liability issues; apparently,
someone renting one damaged nearby parked cars one too many times.

They do have all kinds of compressors available to rent, though.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute
conversation with the average voter.

- Attributed to Winston Churchill

Some years ago I bought one from HF to take the rust off a WW2 jeep frame.
The one I got came with a tank about the size of a standard gas grill tank,
in fact it probably was, and a hose, mask, etc. Best I can figure, if I used
that rig to do the job, I'd probably still be working on it, twenty years
later. Essentially the things are worthless for anything beyond light hobby
work. I borrowed a rig from a buddy that sandblasts tombstones, and the job
took about an hour. I can see why a rental place wouldn't have one. You can
do a lot of damage in a heartbeat, if you're not careful