Thread: Tree pruning
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Posted to uk.d-i-y
OG OG is offline
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Posts: 563
Default Tree pruning

"4square" wrote in message
I have a 40 foot row of dreaded conifers across end of garden, just
on the neighbours garden. Now about 30 feet tall, and overhanging my
side by about 6 feet in places. I have not yet approached them, but
feel they will refuse to trim them, do not appear to be gardening
types. If I cut them back my side only, am I within the law to pass
the cuttings back onto their land?

What is the problem?
Who has the problem?
Is it possible that other people share the problem?

What possible solutions exist to the problem?
Are you making some assumptions about the problem that are restricting the
range of solutions available?
What other solutions might be available if you discard some of the