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Posted to rec.crafts.metalworking
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external usenet poster
Posts: 198
Default Statistics for week ending 20080324

This post is generated weekly as a service to the participants of

================================================== ==========================
Analysis of posts to Rec.Crafts.Metalworking
================================================== ==========================
(stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 1,948 over 7 days
Earliest article: Mon Mar 17 01:55:06 2008
Latest article: Sun Mar 23 22:55:34 2008
Original articles: 228, replies: 1,720
Total size of posts: 5,639,939 bytes (5,507K) (5.38M)
Average 278 articles per day, 0.77 MB per day, 2,895 bytes per article
Total headers: 2,453 KB bodies: 3,054 KB
Body text - quoted: 1,414 KB, original: 1,397 KB = 49.71%, sigs: 231 KB
Total number of posters: 356, average 15,842 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 276, average 20,434 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 38

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 posters by number of articles
================================================== ==========================
1: "Michael A. Terrell" .............. : 108
2: Too_Many_Tools ...................... : 102
3: "Ed Huntress" ....................... . : 96
4: Larry Jaques ................... : 63
5: Wes ................................ ......... : 63
6: "Hawke" ....................... ..... : 58
7: Cliff ............................... ....... : 56
8: F. George McDuffee .......... : 55
9: Don Foreman ................... . : 44
10: Gunner .................... ...... : 36
11: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 36
12: "Tom Gardner" ................... . : 29
13: cavelamb himself ..................... : 27
14: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 26
15: "SteveB" ..................... .... : 21
16: Rex ............................ ......... : 20
17: Bruce L. Bergman ........... : 20
18: Lew Hartswick ...................... . : 19
19: Ned Simmons ................................. . : 18
20: Gerald Miller ........................... . : 18

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 posters by article size in Kbytes
================================================== ==========================
1: Too_Many_Tools ...................... : 412
2: "Ed Huntress" ....................... . : 373
3: "Hawke" ....................... ..... : 262
4: "Michael A. Terrell" .............. : 225
5: F. George McDuffee .......... : 202
6: Larry Jaques ................... : 151
7: Wes ................................ ......... : 118
8: Cliff ............................... ....... : 112
9: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 110
10: Don Foreman ................... . : 108
11: "DoN. Nichols" .......................... : 93
12: Gunner .................... ...... : 86
13: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 69
14: "Tom Gardner" ................... . : 68
15: Joseph Gwinn .......................... .. : 61
16: Bruce L. Bergman ........... : 56
17: cavelamb himself ..................... : 55
18: "John R. Carroll" ......... : 54
19: Gerald Miller ........................... . : 51
20: ............................................. : 49

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 responders by original text ( 5 posts)
================================================== ==========================
1: steamer ............................... ..... : 93.73%
2: F. George McDuffee .......... : 79.49%
3: Andy Dingley ........................ .. : 78.26%
4: Richard J Kinch ............................ : 76.31%
5: Eregon .............................. ...... : 72.31%
6: "Roger Shoaf" .......................... . : 71.44%
7: Jon Anderson ....................... .. : 71.02%
8: NoOne N Particular ...................... : 69.59%
9: Cliff ............................... ....... : 68.84%
10: David Harmon ............................. .. : 67.59%
11: Bruce L. Bergman ........... : 67.21%
12: Randy ............................. ....... : 65.83%
13: Jim Wilkins ................................ . : 62.71%
14: jon_banquer ........................... . : 61.06%
15: "Robert Swinney" ........................... : 60.46%
16: Dave Hinz .............................. ... : 59.17%
17: Bill .............................. ........ : 58.19%
18: James Waldby ...................................... .. : 57.96%
19: "William Noble" ........................... : 56.31%
20: "jusme" ............................... ..... : 56.10%

================================================== ==========================
Bottom 20 responders by original text ( 5 posts)
================================================== ==========================
1: Ignoramus25365 ........... : 11.00%
................................. : 12.60%
3: Joseph Gwinn .......................... .. : 13.92%
4: Jeb ............................ ......... : 14.77%
5: Jim Chandler ................................. .. : 15.72%
6: Rex ............................ ......... : 16.25%
7: Joe Pfeiffer .......................... .. : 16.78%
8: Jim Stewart ............................ . : 17.73%
9: cavelamb himself ..................... : 18.63%
10: Man with foreskin ............................. : 22.56%
11: " .................... : 22.63%
12: Louis Ohland ............................ .. : 22.86%
13: Ignoramus22030 ........... : 23.49%
14: clare at snyder dot ontario dot canada......................... : 23.72%
15: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 24.01%
16: "Jon" ....................... ....... : 24.01%
17: Too_Many_Tools ...................... : 25.18%
18: Lew Hartswick ...................... . : 25.20%
19: Why ..................................... ......... : 25.53%
20: Spehro Pefhany ............. : 25.55%

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 threads by no. of articles
================================================== ==========================
1: still work out there - MN...................................... : 145
2: Cleaning solvent........................................... .... : 110
3: OT - The Affluent, Too, Couldn't Resist Adjustable Rates....... : 100
4: Gunner and my 16X40 Victor lathe............................... : 79
5: Union productivity..... not!................................... : 70
6: Reinventing the wheel!......................................... : 62
7: OT: 2nd Amendment case......................................... : 57
8: Foreclosed Homes: A Local Blight............................... : 55
9: OT - The Republican Prosperity................................. : 54
10: Battery on the ground.......................................... : 51
11: Foreclosed Homes: Compliments of George Bush................... : 48
12: Lathe on the way............................................... : 35
13: R.I.P.: Arthur C. Clarke....................................... : 34
14: Bulb Tricks............................................ ........ : 34
15: New electrical generator....................................... : 32
16: Union Pride............................................. ....... : 30
17: Lewis "Scooter" Libby disbarred at last !!!.................... : 29
18: OT Amtrak from IL to CA (Bay Area)............................. : 25
19: OT: hydrogen/wood powered cars................................. : 25
20: OT - Lead found in popular Hannah Montana items................ : 24

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 threads by size in KB
================================================== ==========================
1: still work out there - MN...................................... : 416
2: OT: 2nd Amendment case......................................... : 330
3: OT - The Affluent, Too, Couldn't Resist Adjustable Rates....... : 300
4: Cleaning solvent........................................... .... : 233
5: OT - The Republican Prosperity................................. : 211
6: Foreclosed Homes: Compliments of George Bush................... : 182
7: Foreclosed Homes: A Local Blight............................... : 177
8: Gunner and my 16X40 Victor lathe............................... : 171
9: Union productivity..... not!................................... : 161
10: Lathe on the way............................................... : 147
11: Reinventing the wheel!......................................... : 135
12: Battery on the ground.......................................... : 113
13: Bulb Tricks............................................ ........ : 94
14: Clausing 5914 and Dickson Toolpost............................. : 87
15: New electrical generator....................................... : 82
16: Lewis "Scooter" Libby disbarred at last !!!.................... : 73
17: Union Pride............................................. ....... : 69
18: OT - Lead found in popular Hannah Montana items................ : 69
19: Asscroft gets no-bd contract (winger business as usual)........ : 68
20: OT: hydrogen/wood powered cars................................. : 66

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 cross-posted groups
================================================== ==========================
1: alt.machines.cnc.................................. ............. : 281
2: misc.survivalism.................................. ............. : 188
3: alt.usenet.kooks.................................. ............. : 104
4: ............. : 93
5: sci.engr.joining.welding.......................... ............. : 50
6: alt.impeach.bush.................................. ............. : 43
7: alt.usage.english................................. ............. : 25
8: comp.os.linux.misc................................ ............. : 23
9: ............. : 23
10: fr.soc.politique.................................. ............. : 23

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 User Agents by poster
================================================== ==========================
1: G2/1.0............................................... .......... : 143
2: Microsoft Outlook Express...................................... : 57
3: Forte Agent............................................. ....... : 41
4: Mozilla........................................... ............. : 20
5: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)........................ : 20
6: rn................................................ ............. : 13
7: Xnews............................................. ............. : 9
8: Forte Free Agent............................................. .. : 9
9: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6000.16480.......................... : 8
10: MT-NewsWatcher....................................... .......... : 6

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 User Agents by number of posts
================================================== ==========================
1: Forte Agent............................................. .. : 424 (22%)
2: G2................................................ ........ : 378 (19%)
3: Outlook Express........................................... : 358 (18%)
4: Mozilla........................................... ........ : 275 (14%)
5: Forte Free Agent.......................................... : 121 ( 6%)
6: Thunderbird (Windows............................. : 104 ( 5%)
7: slrn.............................................. ........ : 78 ( 4%)
8: Xnews............................................. ........ : 66 ( 3%)
9: MT-NewsWatcher....................................... ..... : 22 ( 1%)
10: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6000.16480..................... : 18 ( 1%)

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 time zones
================================================== ==========================
1: -0400.............................................. ............ : 418
2: -0700 (PDT)............................................. ....... : 378
3: -0500.............................................. ............ : 293
4: -0700.............................................. ............ : 258
5: UTC............................................... ............. : 251
6: -0600.............................................. ............ : 210
7: -0800.............................................. ............ : 113
8: +0700............................................. ............. : 13
9: +1100............................................. ............. : 8
10: +0900............................................. ............. : 2

================================================== ==========================
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 7041 messages written between 2008-02-24 00:12:22 and
2008-03-23 23:46:08

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name Msgs Ratio
1. Daedalus 7 93.81%
2. Myal 4 91.08%
3. Jerry Wass 3 90.37%
4. Ignoramus25365 5 89.14%
5. Ken Sterling (Ken Sterling) 7 88.91%
4 88.50%
7. Jim Chandler 26 87.29%
8. Sid9 3 87.11%
9. Rex 62 85.63%
10. Jeb 18 85.26%
22 84.49%
12. Ignoramus4762 4 83.98%
13. Mick 4 83.62%
14. Randy Replogle 6 83.56%
15. Naked Gonad 3 83.43%

A total of 11812788 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which
5789819, or 49.01%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Ed Huntress 371 872149 13.9%
2. Michael A. Terrell 355 330358 60.4%
3. Cliff 262 291150 55.1%
4. Gunner 253 368984 66.3%
5. Larry Jaques 206 280502 52.2%
6. Too_Many_Tools 201 473111 73.4%
7. Hawke 190 501581 62.7%
8. Wes 174 98614 50.0%
9. Gunner Asch 172 264425 60.5%
10. F. George McDuffee gmcduffee@mcduffee-associates. 157 352644 16.6%
11. Tom Gardner 120 136282 71.4%
12. Don Foreman 109 153724 56.0%
13. mariposas rand mair fheal 95 98215 53.7%
14. SteveB 91 103289 58.0%
cavelamb himself 91 94834 76.3%

A total of 804 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at
least three messages)

Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
217107 / 9 = 24123
2. Statistics 79842 / 5 = 15968
45932 / 3 = 15310
4. The Rifleman 106896 / 9 = 11877 9.7%
25401 / 3 = 8467
6. TRMF4445 47902 / 6 = 7983
18941 / 3 = 6313 0.0%
17278 / 3 = 5759
17030 / 3 = 5676
18662 / 4 = 4665
13336 / 3 = 4445
12650 / 3 = 4216
12360 / 3 = 4120
11923 / 3 = 3974
11857 / 3 = 3952

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject Msgs Bytes
1. Poverty in the US 296 529861
2. Inbox Trivia 251 364089
3. still work out there - MN 145 217867
4. Shorts for Gunner 138 292843
5. OT: when to shoot back 127 169388
6. reducing the cost of labor 116 296985
7. Cleaning solvent 110 99902
8. House Holds Bush Confidants in Contempt 109 166902
9. OT: 2nd Amendment case 106 428705
10. OT - The Affluent, Too, Couldn't Resist Adjustable Rates 100 165012
11. Winger Radio Love Fest 96 133643
12. Union workers make more money $ 88 124437
13. Boring a hole question... 80 114752
14. Gunner and my 16X40 Victor lathe 79 78119
15. Union productivity..... not! 68 73465

A total of 842 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program Msgs
1. Microsoft Outlook Express 1431
2. Forte Agent 1269
3. G2 1166
4. Forte Free Agent 460
5. Mozilla 433
6. Thunderbird 343
7. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English 299
8. slrn 272
9. MT-NewsWatcher 180
10. Xnews 148
11. Thunderbird 97
12. Microsoft Windows Mail 58
Thunderbird 58
14. Pan 40
15. tin 39

A total of 52 different programs (not counting different versions) were
