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Oren[_2_] Oren[_2_] is offline
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Default Help removing dishwasher please!

On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:38:41 -0700 (PDT), Ingram Developers

So, somehow we had a rubber spatula fall on to the heating element in
our dishwasher, where it proceeded to melt everywhere. We wanted a
new dishwasher anyways, so this was a small blessing in disguise. Now
the problem...

We had hardwood floors put in the kitchen, and the bottom of the
dishwasher is now "walled" behind the new floor so that it won't slide
out anymore. We have new granite countertops above it, so removing
the counter won't work.

I think that with enough pulling and tugging, we may be able to
squeeze the washer out, but I'm afraid it will damage the floor while
I'm doing it.

Is it possible to completely disassemble a dishwasher so that it will
come out in pieces? Anyone run into this before?

At the top of the DW and counter bottom, can you cut some wood (not
sure of the cabinet piece name) - the horizontal face piece over the

That would make the space larger and give clearance to get it out and
a new one back in.

Problems like this are not always the flooring guy, I've seen a
problem like this and it related to the owner and cabinet
install/builder guy.

It was POS job.