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S. Barker S. Barker is offline
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Posts: 655
Default Air compressor suitability?

What you mention is fine for everything except the spray painting. That
requires lots more air than you'll get with that unit.


wrote in message
I have zero experience with air compressors, but could use one and a
local store has one on sale with attachments.

The specs a
8 gallon, 1.3 hp running, 125 max psi, 4.5 scfm@40 psi, 3.7 scfm@90

I wanted it to be able to assist with weekend auto repairs (brakes,
calipers, springs, shocks, etc) and as well have some jobs around the
house (nailing hardwood flooring, new trim work, bathroom renovations)
and I would not mind if it were strong enough to be able to do some
touch up spray painting.

Would people here be able to advise me if this unit would be good
enough for that type of work? If not, what would the limitations be?

I am just a 'weekend warrior' not a commercial outfit, so the usage
would be sporadic at best.