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Default Chimney flue question

On Mar 14, 9:53Â*am, " wrote:
On Mar 14, 9:14�am, "Blattus Slafaly � � 0/00 "

Don Wiss wrote:
"Blattus Slafaly � � 0/00 " wrote:

Don Wiss wrote:
I'm having many of the fireplaces in my 1892 house resurrected. The flues
will be stainless steel. What are the pros and cons of that versus the
usual tile flues?

Fireplaces are excessively smokey not to mention the heat loss up the
flue. Better to put an airtight wood stove insert or a stand alone stove
tucked into the hole. That's what I did. I heated the whole house with a
little Jotul stove tucked inside the fireplace. 5 cords for the whole
heating season.

The fireplaces are already there. I am not trying to heat the house, unless
there is a crisis in NYC and I have no heat in the winter. Then my
expectations are just to keep from freezing.

With a four story house one stove isn't going to heat it. Plus wood in NYC
is rather expensive (as one has to pay for delivery from up north).

Don (e-mail link at home page bottom).

Then you don't need new flews.

Blattus Slafaly �? 3 � � �7/8- Hide quoted text -

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if you ever want to use the fireplaces they must be lined somehow. and
no matter how impractical a woodburning fireplace is , at home resale
it adds value- Hide quoted text -

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Yep, and for repair, IMO the stainless is the only way to go, unless
you want to spend many X the money and time.