Thread: Trade Unions
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Ed Huntress Ed Huntress is offline
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Default Trade Unions

"sparky" wrote in message
On Nov 22, 8:06 pm, "Ed Huntress" wrote:
"sparky" wrote in message


On Nov 18, 10:49 am, "Al" wrote:

You are wasting your time trying to convince most here.

I agree with you completely and have been a union member since I was
years old when my parents died and I had to take care of my self. If
hadn't been for my union sisters & brothers, & my union I wouldn't be
same today.

Without the union you would have become more capable of doing things
for yourself and not relying on other people. Your character would be
You would be a much better person than you are now.

Oh, now you're over the top. He sounds as good as anyone here -- better,
fact, than the smug and sanctimonious jerks who think they're better than

Here's a key fact, sparky: Without unions, you'd be making a fraction of
what you're making now. The only thing that makes you worth what you make
the fact that unions raised the bar for more than a half-century so you
could settle back and take advantage of what they did. Before unions, the
idea of any kind of worker making it into the middle class, which was
up of professionals and merchants at the beginning of the last century,

It was the wages paid by union shops that made it possible for non-union
shops to pay you more, for two reasons. First, they set the competitive
standard for costs: all your employer(s) had to do was to shave a little
off of the union wage/load costs to be able to beat them in the
Second, their wages established a floor, at some percentage under what
were making, that your non-union employers had to pay in order to attract

Your entire working life has been parasitic upon unions.

God, You sure can tell some big untruths.

I suppose I could if I wanted to, but a lifetime of checking facts and
poking at the conventional wisdom has led me to the much more lucrative and
satisfying work of sticking to the facts. It's my reputation as a writer and
I intend to keep it.

Ed Huntress