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Posted to rec.crafts.metalworking
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external usenet poster
Posts: 198
Default Statistics for week ending 20071001

This post is generated weekly as a service to the participants of

================================================== ==========================
Analysis of posts to Rec.Crafts.Metalworking
================================================== ==========================
(stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 1,433 over 7 days
Earliest article: Mon Sep 24 00:55:06 2007
Latest article: Sun Sep 30 22:55:16 2007
Original articles: 85, replies: 1,348
Total size of posts: 3,366,766 bytes (3,287K) (3.21M)
Average 204 articles per day, 0.46 MB per day, 2,349 bytes per article
Total headers: 1,603 KB bodies: 1,683 KB
Body text - quoted: 958 KB, original: 642 KB = 40.13%, sigs: 76 KB
Total number of posters: 288, average 11,690 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 147, average 22,903 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 36

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 posters by number of articles
================================================== ==========================
1: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 86
2: "Michael A. Terrell" .............. : 81
3: "Ed Huntress" ....................... . : 80
4: Cliff ............................... ....... : 59
5: Too_Many_Tools ...................... : 46
6: (DoN. Nichols)............................ : 37
7: cavelamb himself ..................... : 36
8: Larry Jaques ................... : 34
9: clare at .... : 30
10: Wes ................................ ......... : 29
11: James .............................. ....... : 20
12: "Hawke" .................................. : 19
13: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 18
14: F. George McDuffee .......... : 17
15: Dan ............................ ......... : 16
16: "William Noble" ........................... : 16
17: "Tom Gardner" ..................... . : 15
18: Louis Ohland ............................ .. : 13
19: ChairmanOfTheBored ................... : 13
20: "azotic" .................................. .... : 13

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 posters by article size in Kbytes
================================================== ==========================
1: "Ed Huntress" ....................... . : 219
2: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 182
3: "Michael A. Terrell" .............. : 155
4: Too_Many_Tools ...................... : 154
5: Cliff ............................... ....... : 121
(DoN. Nichols)............................ : 85
7: clare at .... : 69
8: Larry Jaques ................... : 68
9: cavelamb himself ..................... : 64
10: "Hawke" .................................. : 63
11: Dan ............................ ......... : 45
12: Wes ................................ ......... : 44
13: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 43
14: James .............................. ....... : 42
15: F. George McDuffee .......... : 39
16: "Tom Gardner" ..................... . : 35
17: "Wild_Bill" ...................... . : 33
18: "azotic" .................................. .... : 32
19: "William Noble" ........................... : 30
20: ChairmanOfTheBored ................... : 30

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 responders by original text ( 5 posts)
================================================== ==========================
1: "Leo Lichtman" ................... : 98.46%
2: steamer ............................... ..... : 84.17%
3: Bob Engelhardt ..................... : 74.20%
4: Nick Mueller ............................ .. : 72.04%
5: JR North ......................... .... : 71.58%
6: "Karl Townsend" .............. : 70.08%
7: "Bill Marrs" ......................... .. : 68.34%
8: "Stupendous Man" ............................... : 67.28%
9: Dave Hinz .............................. ... : 65.20%
10: Bruce L. Bergman ........... : 65.10%
11: "Lloyd E. Sponenburgh" : 63.61%
12: "Robert Swinney" ........................... : 63.26%
13: "Wild_Bill" ...................... . : 59.46%
14: D Murphy ........................... .... : 59.03%
15: F. George McDuffee .......... : 57.73%
16: Stuart Wheaton ............................ : 56.21%
17: Jon Elson ............................. : 55.83%
18: " ............................ : 55.62%
19: Cliff ............................... ....... : 55.45%
20: Terryc ......................... : 52.80%

================================================== ==========================
Bottom 20 responders by original text ( 5 posts)
================================================== ==========================
1: Jim Chandler ................................. .. : 11.34%
2: John .......................... ........ : 16.53%
3: "Wayne Lundberg" .................. : 16.65%
4: James .............................. ....... : 18.97%
5: Ignoramus936 ............... .. : 19.50%
6: john .......................... ........ : 20.75%
7: "Pete C." ............................. ... : 21.41%
8: "Michael A. Terrell" .............. : 21.67%
9: Jim Stewart ............................ . : 22.96%
10: "SteveB" .......................... .... : 23.78%
11: Dan ............................ ......... : 24.62%
12: Ignoramus30458 ........... : 25.74%
13: Gunner Asch ..................... . : 25.99%
14: "azotic" .................................. .... : 25.99%
15: clare at .... : 26.50%
16: Wayne Cook ........................... .. : 27.17%
17: Don Foreman ................... . : 27.55%
18: ChairmanOfTheBored ................... : 27.78%
................................. : 28.96%
20: "pogo" ................................. ...... : 29.23%

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 threads by no. of articles
================================================== ==========================
1: OT Iraq like Vietnam blood for money Redux [was: Greek Pastitsi : 108
2: Ping Gunner............................................ ........ : 83
3: Real Baghdad Story............................................. : 70
4: OT-Veterans Disarmament Act H.R. 2640.......................... : 64
5: NRA knife made in China........................................ : 61
6: OT? Weigh your car by checking tire pressure?.................. : 52
7: AA battery hack secret......................................... : 51
8: $100 for a old 1/2 HP punch press.............................. : 39
9: Mechanical Enginnering for Dummies - any suggestion on design m : 32
10: OT -- the "baiting" program to rack up Iraq body count......... : 32
11: Gluing aluminum.......................................... ...... : 30
12: Made in America?.......................................... ..... : 28
13: $980.50 PC Board in Lincoln 185 TIG............................ : 27
14: What is it? CXCIX............................................. . : 26
15: Lifting the rear of a pickup truck to level it out/Van Spare ca : 25
16: Abene Mill pictures.......................................... .. : 22
17: OT - A National Disgrace...Letting the Smithsonian Rot......... : 21
18: Lincoln SP series mig welders versus a retail version?......... : 21
19: Fuel Reformers for Home Power or Cars & Tractors............... : 20
20: Need suggestions for a light to drive backwards................ : 20

================================================== ==========================
Top 20 threads by size in KB
================================================== ==========================
1: OT Iraq like Vietnam blood for money Redux [was: Greek Pastitsi : 280
2: Ping Gunner............................................ ........ : 206
3: OT-Veterans Disarmament Act H.R. 2640.......................... : 153
4: Real Baghdad Story............................................. : 138
5: NRA knife made in China........................................ : 134
6: OT? Weigh your car by checking tire pressure?.................. : 127
7: AA battery hack secret......................................... : 109
8: Gluing aluminum.......................................... ...... : 98
9: Mechanical Enginnering for Dummies - any suggestion on design m : 91
10: $100 for a old 1/2 HP punch press.............................. : 83
11: Made in America?.......................................... ..... : 78
12: OT - A National Disgrace...Letting the Smithsonian Rot......... : 72
13: $980.50 PC Board in Lincoln 185 TIG............................ : 69
14: Lincoln SP series mig welders versus a retail version?......... : 68
15: OT -- the "baiting" program to rack up Iraq body count......... : 66
16: Fuel Reformers for Home Power or Cars & Tractors............... : 58
17: Pet Food, Toothpaste, Lead Paint, and now...................... : 54
18: Lifting the rear of a pickup truck to level it out/Van Spare ca : 52
19: Need suggestions for a light to drive backwards................ : 42
20: Welding feet to a compressor tank.............................. : 41

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 cross-posted groups
================================================== ==========================
1: misc.survivalism.................................. ............. : 217
2: alt.machines.cnc.................................. ............. : 195
3: ............. : 191
4: rec.puzzles....................................... ............. : 84
5: sci.engr.mech..................................... ............. : 67
6: rec.woodworking................................... ............. : 63
7: ............. : 54
8: ............. : 41
9: alt.usenet.kooks.................................. ............. : 40
10: sci.engr.joining.welding.......................... ............. : 34

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 User Agents by poster
================================================== ==========================
1: Microsoft Outlook Express...................................... : 63
2: G2/1.0............................................... .......... : 61
3: Forte Agent............................................. ....... : 32
4: Mozilla........................................... ............. : 25
5: rn................................................ ............. : 16
6: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)......................... : 15
7: Unknown........................................... ............. : 11
8: Xnews............................................. ............. : 10
9: MT-NewsWatcher....................................... .......... : 10
10: Forte Free Agent............................................. .. : 7

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 User Agents by number of posts
================================================== ==========================
1: Forte Agent............................................. .. : 303 (21%)
2: Outlook Express........................................... : 301 (21%)
3: Mozilla........................................... ........ : 255 (18%)
4: G2................................................ ........ : 169 (12%)
5: Forte Free Agent.......................................... : 84 ( 6%)
6: slrn.............................................. ........ : 62 ( 4%)
7: Thunderbird (Windows.............................. : 53 ( 4%)
8: trn 4.0-test76 (Apr 2, 2001).............................. : 37 ( 3%)
9: Xnews............................................. ........ : 28 ( 2%)
10: MT-NewsWatcher....................................... ..... : 15 ( 1%)

================================================== ==========================
Top 10 time zones
================================================== ==========================
1: -0700.............................................. ............ : 456
2: -0400.............................................. ............ : 439
3: -0500.............................................. ............ : 227
4: UTC............................................... ............. : 220
5: -0600.............................................. ............ : 31
6: +0100............................................. ............. : 27
7: +0200............................................. ............. : 7
8: +1200............................................. ............. : 6
9: +1000............................................. ............. : 6
10: +0800............................................. ............. : 6

================================================== ==========================
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 6659 messages written between 2007-09-01 00:07:46 and
2007-09-30 22:28:29

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name Msgs Ratio
1. RickH 4 88.85%
3 88.28%
3. Ken Finney 3 87.70%
4. dpb 4 86.50%
5. scutt 4 85.79%
6. Jim Chandler 10 85.76%
7. Imam Contemptus Mundi 3 85.52%
8. charlie 7 85.49%
9. Bob Ward 9 85.46%
10. Veronique 3 85.37%
11. tim..... 3 85.28%
12. Sevenhundred Elves 5 85.13%
13. Cydrome Leader 3 83.36%
19 82.96%
15. trg-s338 3 81.29%

A total of 7969556 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which
4567726, or 57.31%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Ed Huntress 390 656083 62.6%
2. Michael A. Terrell 315 379658 67.1%
3. Gunner Asch 210 252241 70.1%
4. Too_Many_Tools 171 355715 67.3%
5. Gunner 156 193913 75.3%
6. Cliff 148 136694 38.9%
7. Wes 144 96085 45.5%
8. Larry Jaques 131 160886 51.0%
9. DoN. Nichols 115 158706 35.8%
10. Pete C. 105 183370 75.5%
11. F. George McDuffee gmcduffee@mcduffee-associates. 83 123549 30.5%
12. Tom Gardner 81 92507 71.9%
13. cavelamb himself 78 63167 65.5%
14. clare at 69 95871 68.7%
15. William Noble 67 78066 49.9%

A total of 718 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at
least three messages)

Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
1. Statistics 66157 / 3 = 22052
2. Robert Sturgeon 9685 / 3 = 3228 51.5%
3. Don Klipstein 6925 / 3 = 2308 26.1%
4. Way Back Jack 19585 / 11 = 1780 41.1%
5. Scott S. Logan 6851 / 4 = 1712 10.3%
6. Darrell Stec 17897 / 11 = 1627 56.3%
7. David Merrill 4809 / 3 = 1603 30.8%
8. waybackjack 6103 / 4 = 1525 51.9%
9. Keith Marshall tooladdict@progressivelogic 5983 / 4 = 1495 54.7%
10. Kirk Gordon 8786 / 6 = 1464 33.2%
11. Proctologically ViolatedCoRg entropic3.14d 31747 / 22 = 1443 51.4%
12. Wild_Bill 26784 / 20 = 1339 39.3%
13. Paul K. Dickman 3931 / 3 = 1310 5.6%
14. Prometheus 9753 / 8 = 1219 19.9%
15. Ted Frater 8012 / 7 = 1144 57.6%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject Msgs Bytes
1. Pet Food, Toothpaste, Lead Paint, and now.... 222 365034
2. Yes! We're #1! 212 308244
3. What have been the worst home handyman accidents you've h 144 153044
4. Yes! We're #1! 142 233469
5. What have been the worst home handyman accidents you've h 138 174137
6. Ping Gunner 136 157982
7. OT Iraq like Vietnam blood for money Redux [was: Greek Pa 127 152296
8. Boeing and metrcication question 118 169493
9. Bio-Fuels Bite the Dust 116 189844
10. machine tool demand down 91 156819
11. AA battery hack secret 84 91057
12. What have been the worst home handyman accidents you've h 83 79187
13. Real Baghdad Story 81 75079
14. OT? Weigh your car by checking tire pressure? 77 88725
15. Update on the Containerized shop 70 170385

A total of 575 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program Msgs
1. Microsoft Outlook Express 1500
2. Forte Agent 938
3. G2 880
4. Mozilla 522
5. Thunderbird 353
6. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English 292
7. Forte Free Agent 279
8. slrn 212
9. MT-NewsWatcher 141
10. Thunderbird 137
11. trn 4.0-test76 128
Microsoft Windows Mail 128
13. Xnews 120
14. Pan 72
15. KNode 69

A total of 55 different programs (not counting different versions) were
